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Division or Classification Essay

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1 Division or Classification Essay
I understand your separation of division and classification but your titles on your slides need to be more specific to the topic on the slide 7 Modes Project Ericka Burgess, Allyssa Tanjuaquio, Taylor Lawrence, Lillian Nguyen

2 Classification Essays Division Essays
Main Goal -To divide a topic into categories Ex: school subjects math, science, history Shows how ideas/objects may be grouped together Main Goal - Divide up a category into many subparts Ex: houses walls, roof, foundation Shows how an idea or an object can be separated into parts

3 What is a Division Essay?
Division shows how an idea or object can be separated into parts Goal: to divide up a category into many subparts ex. category: house subparts: foundation, walls, floor,roof To start, find your basis of division ; finding the basis of division helps analyze a topic and divides it into logical parts. Your organization of this is still confusing. Why one bullet point in the middle? the progression from one piece of information to another needs to be clear and obvious

4 How to Structure Your Division Essay
Introduction: States a thesis that explains the similar relationship between the subparts Body Paragraph: in separate paragraphs, with transitional materials to provide a sense of their inter-relatedness Conclusion: Restates the parts of the thesis and attempts a synthesis or new understanding of the constituent parts These descriptions are too vague. they sound like any other essay. make it specific to your mode

5 Division: Visual Example
Category: House Subparts: -the roof -the walls -the floor -the foundation Lillian

6 What is a Classification Essay?
Classification is a story method that is broken down into several subgroups or classifications Find the common denominators or traits among ideas or objects that are contradicting EX: if you were faced with a question about the classification of a family it would look like: “My family , my siblings , my cousins” You may have to go further into depth if asked about: “Close family members” “Relatives” “Cousins” Lillian

7 Key Points of a Classification Essay
3 main key ideas to remember when writing a classification include: Organize things into thorough and useful categories Use one organizing tool/principle Give examples that relate into the categories Ex: Subject = Science = Chemistry, Earth Science, Biology, Marine Biology.

8 How to Structure Your Classification Essay
Introduction: State thesis and the main topic you will be discussing Body Paragraph: identify different categories( in separate paragraphs and separate categories) Conclusion: restate thesis and categories and ask yourself the question “so what?” -Make sure to use examples within your examples!

9 Classification: Visual Example

10 Essay Examples Here are some examples of division essays:
herapies.html hadesCharacter.html Here are some examples of classification essays: /sites/default/files/CLASSIFICATIO N.pdf asp?id=36385

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