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Registration Information

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1 2018-2019 Registration Information

2 Anoka-Hennepin Graduation Requirements:
16.5 credits to fulfill specific requirements 4.0 English 4.0 Social Studies 3.0 Science 3.0 Math 1.0 Arts choice 1.0 Physical Education 0.5 Health 10.5 elective required credits Total required credits = 27.0

3 Math Graduation Requirements:
All students need 3.0 credits of Math to graduate. Courses should include Statistics, Intermediate Algebra/Advanced Algebra and Geometry. Some colleges are now requiring 4.0 credits of Math for admissions. It is recommended for all students to take four years of Math. Talk with your math teacher and refer to the Registration Guide (online) for questions on course placement.

4 Sample Class Schedule: 10th grade
Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 US History A (regular or AP) Health US History B Geometry A Geometry B Elective English 10 A with College Foundations or Honor w/CF or Honors English 10 B w/CF or Honors Phy Ed (PE) II Chemistry A (regular or Hon) Chemistry B

5 Sample Class Schedule: 11th grade
Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 English 11 A (regular or AP) World History A (regular or AP) English 11 B Biology A (regular or Coll.) Biology B World History B Math A Math B Elective STEP

6 Sample Class Schedule: 12th grade
Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 US Government & Politics (regular or AP) Elective English 12 B (regular or CIS) Economics (Regular, AP, or Hybrid) Science English 12 A Math

7 Elective Course Changes:
Some departments have new elective classes or title changes offered next year. Examples: Small Gas Engines I is changing to Outdoor Power Equipment Food Prep Fundamentals is changing to Intro to Culinary Arts Make sure to refer to the registration guide for course descriptions. Ask your teachers for more information.

8 New Hybrid Gov’t & Politics - Gr 12
Course requires some learning to be completed online Course will not meet every day of the week Students will be responsible to work independently on “off” days Teacher will have office hours for student questions and assistance This course requires students to have time management skills and be an independent learner

9 College Level Courses Please refer to the registration guide to make sure you meet all prerequisites and any other criteria to enroll for the following classes: College Biology CIS Literature and CIS University Writing CIS Math Modeling and Prediction College Algebra All AP level courses College Honors Public Speaking College Animal Science Education, Teaching, and Training College Spanish IV College Career Development

10 Teacher Assistant You can no longer register to be a teacher assistant during registration time. Please pick up a TA form in the Counseling Office fall of 2018 Have a teacher sign the form and return to the Counseling Office. For trimester 1, this must be done before the trimester begins. For trimester 2 and 3, this needs to be completed by the course change deadline in October.

11 “Pre-Req. not met” message
You may receive a red “Pre-Requisite not met” message. Please ignore and keep inputting your numbers. This shows up because you are enrolled in the pre-req. this year. Do not worry about this message.

12 STEP Classes will be offered as AM and PM sessions. AM will be periods 1 – 2 and PM will be periods STEP course numbers and information are included in your registration paperwork. There are specific enrollment CRITERIA; minimum GPA and/or prerequisite required. EXAMPLES: Music/Media Technology College Emergency Medical Careers I or II Welding Technology I Accounting & Financial Careers I Pharmacy Technician

13 Post Secondary Education Option (PSEO)
Students must register for a full-day schedule at Anoka. Your AHS counselor will adjust your registration after you have been accepted and are registered for college courses. An informational meeting will be held during parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, January 25 at 6:30pm in the AHS Auditorium. Please attend with a parent/guardian.

14 Senior Internship – BPA , DECA, and Skills USA
Junior students received information regarding senior internships during advisement in December. If you still need to obtain this information, contact: Mr. Hay (BPA), Mr. Orr (DECA), Mr. Joslin (Skills USA). You must apply for this program and be selected. It is a YEAR-long (3 trimester) program.

15 Registration Form - Instructions
Registration Guide is also online. Please refer to the guide for course descriptions and additional registration information. The guide includes graduation requirements for all grade levels. Be sure to plan your course selections carefully. 2. Copy your course selection numbers to your Registration Worksheet. Make sure you have 15 course numbers. You will need to turn in your worksheet after inputting your numbers online.

16 Instructions for registration sheet – cont.
3. Identify five alternate courses. When you register online, you will need to scroll down to enter your alternate choices. Choose carefully. It is likely you will receive any or all five of your alternates.

17 Online Instructions:

18 Example of Course Numbers

19 Sample STEP Course Numbers

20 STEAM Info and Registration Sheet
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math Benefits of enrolling in the STEAM program: Develop and apply technology and computer science skills in the arts, sciences, math and engineering. Develop and refine design skills to create product prototypes. Senior internship or mentorship experiences. Explore careers related to technology, arts, math and engineering. Develop high level skills for post- secondary computer science and arts programs. Earn AP and articulated college credit in a variety of elective coursework. Earn levels of distinction for participation in STEAM and receive recognition at graduation. Example of Registration Sheet

21 Registration Sheet – gr. 10

22 Registration Sheet – gr. 11

23 Registration Sheet – gr. 12

24 Registration Sheet – gr. 10 & 11

25 Registration Sheet – gr. 12

26 Online Registration From Home Important Dates
Most students should register online from home. Follow instructions stapled to your registration sheet or go to the Anoka homepage. Students that do not have internet at home can register at school during their lunch period in the Counseling Office on: Tuesday, Jan Counselors will be available to assist or answer questions. DO NOT LOCK course requests

27 Deadline ALL ONLINE REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY Tuesday, January 16 Your registration worksheet needs to be turned into the Counseling Office once you’ve completed your online registration. The online registration window closes at 11:59 p.m. on January 16 DO NOT LOCK course requests

28 Questions for your counselor?
your counselor directly and we will respond. Counselor addresses are on the school website. Counselors will be in the Counseling Office during lunch periods on Tuesday, January 16. DO NOT LOCK course requests

29 Who is your counselor? Current grades 9 & 11 A-J Ms. Gardner
Current grade 10 A-J Ms. Schell Current grades 9 & 11 K-U Ms. Bruck Current grade 10 K-U Mr. McMahon Current grades 9,10,11 V-Z Ms. Nelson (and ALL AVID and EL students)

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