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a plan to help us grow spiritually

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Presentation on theme: "a plan to help us grow spiritually"— Presentation transcript:

1 a plan to help us grow spiritually
MyPath a plan to help us grow spiritually a strategy to help us accomplish our mission 3 values (who we are): real people, real faith, real impact 1 mission (why we exist) to help people find and follow Jesus 6 priorities (how we live) Connect with a few Spend time with God Live a life of worship Engage in missions Serve somewhere Share somehow

2 Start with the “why,” not the “how.”
Share Somehow Start with the “why,” not the “how.”

3 Start with the “why,” not the “how.”
Share Somehow Start with the “why,” not the “how.” Connect with a few because we live best in community Spend time with God because we grow deeper on purpose Live a life of worship because we owe God our best Engage with missions because we understand God better with perspective Serve somewhere because we have gifts designed to help others Share somehow because we know the world needs Jesus

4 Why should we “share somehow?”
Because Jesus is the only one who can give (meaningful, purpose-filled, and satisfying) LIFE both now AND in eternity.

5 A strategy for “sharing somehow”
(the “how”) Pray We will not succeed without prayer. Accept personal responsibility to “show and tell” We show others who Jesus is by the way we live AND we tell them who Jesus is by what we say.

6 A strategy for “sharing somehow”
(the “how”) Pray We will not succeed without prayer. Accept personal responsibility to “show and tell” We show others who Jesus is by the way we live AND we tell them who Jesus by what we say. Be yourself! You will be most effective when you “show and tell” in a way that fits who you are.

7 Six biblical styles of “sharing somehow”
1) CONFRONTATIONAL Peter Acts 5:29-32 2) INTELLECTUAL Paul, Apollos Acts 17:17, 18:28 3) TESTIMONIAL the blind man John 9:25 4) INTERPERSONAL Matthew Luke 5:29-32 5) INVITATIONAL Samaritan woman John 4:28-30 6) SERVICE Dorcas Acts 9:36

8 Some of us will be more TELL and less SHOW.
Others of us will be more SHOW and less TELL. But all of us need to be BOTH! confrontational intellectual testimonial interpersonal invitational service tend to be more “tell” and less “show” tend to be more “show” and less “tell”

9 What is your next step? Remember: “why” before “how.” Pray! Accept your responsibility to “show AND tell.” Be yourself! Find your “style” of sharing somehow.



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