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Written BY: Cassie Made by: Lia & Daveen.

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Presentation on theme: "Written BY: Cassie Made by: Lia & Daveen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written BY: Cassie Made by: Lia & Daveen

2 Its like a plague that never goes away,
Simile Compared with Plague & Darkness Its like a plague that never goes away,

3 Or an animal and its prey, It waits... And waits...
Personification: giving inanimate objects human traits and/or action Or an animal and its prey,   It waits... And waits... And waits...until you're ready, Then closes in and devours you... From the inside out.

4 ALL you see is shadows of the ones you once knew,
Hyperbole: Over exaggeration to make a point ALL you see is shadows of the ones you once knew,

5 No more happiness, No more laughter, No more love,
Repetition: Repeating: no more No more happiness, No more laughter, No more love,

6 Its like a thunderstorm that blocks your soul.
Simile: Comparing thunderstorm and darkness Its like a thunderstorm that blocks your soul. Your soul becomes a black hole,

7 Whatever said, heard, or learned,
Is forgotten, never brought up again,

8 No longer does anything matter, Its all darkness,
Simile: Again compares with the plague and the darkness No longer does anything matter, Its all darkness, Like a plague that never goes away.

9 THANK YOU Artist: Jorge Mondez Song: Cold Album: Silhouettes
All Pictures Taken From Google Images

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