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Characteristics of Living Things

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Living Things"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Living Things

2 All Living Things Share Common Characteristics
What do you think are characteristics that make something living?

3 Living Things Are Made Up of Cells
Smallest living unit Unicellular/Multicellular Complex, highly organized

4 Based on Universal Genetic Code
Stores info needed to live, grow and reproduce in DNA Info copied  passed on to offspring Almost identical in every organism on Earth

5 Living Things Reproduce
Sexual Reproduction Sex cells from 2 parents unite (plant/animal) Asexual Reproduction Single organism produces clone of itself (bacteria)

6 Growth and Development
Cells begin to differentiate Look different Perform different functions

7 Maintain Stable Environment
Keep internal environment stable even though external conditions change Homeostasis

8 Respond to Their Environment
Detect and respond to signals (stimulus) from their environment

9 Obtain and Use Material/Energy
Energy needed to grow, develop, function and reproduce Metabolism- sum of all chemical reactions in an organism SUN is main source for all life 6O2 + C6H12O CO2 + 6H2O

10 Taken as a Group, Living Things Evolve
Change over time Links all life forms to common origin Evidence found in living/fossil organisms DNA


12 Atoms Molecules Organelles Cells – life starts here Tissues Organs System Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere


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