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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING LINKS: What will be explored, achieved, discussed and learned in our class this term?
SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE Everyday materials: What kind of materials do you notice in the environment? What are most houses/ paths/ tables made from? Why? What properties does this material have that makes it good for this purpose? How can we test the properties of the different materials? Communicating information: Can you log on independently using your own username and password? How do you save your work? How do you retrieve your work? How can you make the text look eye-catching? What information do you need to include? Can you add a picture to enhance your work? E-safety: How do we stay safe online? What rules do we need to remember? Gymnastics: What is meant by a point or a pad? Can you do a 1/2/3/4 point balance? Can you use a different combination of points? How can you adapt these balances for the apparatus? How can you keep safe on the apparatus? Can you produce a sequence of movements and balances? How can you use different levels? Swimming: Can you get changed and unchanged independently? What do we need to remember when we are in the water? How do we move our arms and legs to do a swim stroke? Can you put your head completely underwater? Responsibility (PSE): What are you responsible for? What are our school rules? Why are rules important? Why do we need to follow them? William the Conqueror: Who was William the Conqueror? Who did he become? What was England like when he was alive? What did he do? Why do we remember him? What did a castle look like? Who lived in them? Where were castles built? Why? RE: What makes some places sacred? Which places are special to you? Why? How do you feel when you are there? What are some sacred buildings called and what happens there? How could you help at home? Go to visit a Castle. Talk about the features of a castle. Look at information books about Castles. Visit a church and look for symbols of Christianity. How could you help at home? Investigate the materials objects are made from. Discuss materials you notice when out and about and how these suit their purpose. Draw a picture of a building or object and label the different materials it has. Discuss how to stay safe online. How could you help at home? Try balancing on different body parts . How long can you hold that position for? At the park try balancing and moving on different apparatus. Take your child swimming to practise the different swim strokes. Encourage your child’s responsibility by giving them roles to do at meal times and ensuring they carry their own bags to school! YEAR 2 TERM 1 THEME: Castles CLASS BOOK: Good knight sleep tight ENGLSIH MATHS Traditional stories: Which traditional stories do you know? What happens in it? What common themes are there in traditional stories? What pattern do they follow? Can you think of another story with similar characters? Which adjectives does the author use to describe the setting and characters? Writing information texts about castles. What are the features of an information text? How do you know if a book is non-fiction? What have you learnt about castles? How can we write this ? What would people like to know about castles? How should we present this information? Shape: Can you name and describe 2d shapes? How many corners does a __ have? How many sides does it have? What is the difference between a square and a rectangle? Can you sort shapes based on their sides/ corners? Place value: Can you read and write 2-digit numbers? Can you put 2-digit numbers in order? How do you know if a number is odd or even? Calculation: How can we add and subtract numbers using a numberline? Will the answer be bigger or smaller than the first number? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) Paul Klee Castle and Sun: Can you use shapes to create a picture? How have you use different shapes for a particular purpose? Have you seen any artists work? How do they use shapes? Using music to tell a story: Can you use different percussion instruments to set a scene? Can you sing songs to help narrate a story? Winding up: How can we make a drawbridge move? What will we need to create a winding mechanism? How can you make it even better? How could you help at home? Share some traditional stories. Share some stories set in a castle. Discuss the settings of stories you share. How would you describe it? Look at information leaflets together. What information is included? How is it presented? How could you help at home? Talk about numbers. Count in 1’s, 2’s 5’s and 10’s. Count forwards and backwards. Count anything! (food, stairs, door numbers, mini cars!) Don’t always start from zero. Find 2-d shapes in the environment and in packaging. How could you help at home? Talk about shapes and spot them on buildings. Listen to music being played throughout a film, how does it change according to the scene/ content? Talk about drawbridges and their purpose.

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