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Competing with HOSA 2018
What is HOSA Competition
HOSA Competitive Events Program is a constantly expanding and improving series of health care related competitive events. Competition within a state is held in the spring as a means of identifying those members eligible for competition at the HOSA National Leadership Conference. HOSA Offers 56 Competitive Events that are aligned to the National Healthcare Foundation and Accountability Criteria outlined by the National Consortium for Health Science Education.
How To Choose The Right Event
Health Science Events Dental Terminology Medical Spelling
Medical Terminology Medical Math Medical Reading KT - Behavioral Health KT - Health Career Exploration KT - Human Growth and Development KT - Medical Law and Ethics KT - Nutrition KT - Pharmacology KT - Pathophysiology KT - Transcultural Health Care
Dental Terminology This event shall be a written test dealing with dental terminology, including prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology.
Medical Spelling To encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to define and spell terms associated with careers in the health community. Round 1: written, multiple choice test. Round 2: a “spelldown” where competitors will orally spell terms
Medical Terminology To encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and occupations related to the health community This event shall be a written test dealing with selected terms common to health professions and health specialties. Competitors will recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply medical terms in a 100 item multiple choice test with 20 tie-breakers.
Medical Math This event shall be a written test dealing with selected problems involving conversions between the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales and the metric and household systems of measurement. To encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to identify, solve, and apply mathematical principles involving temperature, weights, and measures used in the health community.
Medical Reading Into the Magic Shop - James Dotty
To encourage HOSA members to improve their reading comprehension and understanding of special topics related to leadership development and the health community. A written test dealing with information and knowledge gained from reading the selected books each year. Into the Magic Shop - James Dotty Idiot Brain - Dean Burnett The Happiness Advantage - Shawn Achor Bubonic Panic - Gail Jarrow Losing Face - Kathie Torpie
KT: Behavioral Health To encourage HOSA members to explore and learn about the promotion of mental health, resilience and well-being; the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders; and the support of those who are in recovery, their families and the health community. A written test requiring competitors to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information related to behavioral health.
KT: Human Growth & Development
To encourage HOSA members to explore and learn about the stages of human growth and development, including the biophysical, mental/cognitive, social, and emotional development in the health community. 100 question written test
KT: Medical Law & Ethics
The Basics: Medical Law, Ethics and Bioethics 5% The Legal Environment 35% State and Federal Regulations The Legal System o Professional Liability Law for Health Professionals Public Duty o Consent The Health Care Environment 35% Physician Patient Relationships Medical Malpractice Medical Records Workplace Law and Ethics Cultural Perspective Patient Confidentiality Employment Practices Bioethical Issues 25% Ethical and Bioethical Issues in Medicine Allocation of scarce resources Genetic engineering Reproductive Issues End of Life Issues To encourage HOSA members to explore and learn about medical law and ethics and to assess knowledge common in the health community.
KT: Nutrition Carbohydrates, fats and proteins 15% Vitamins & minerals 15% Water (Fluid & electrolyte balance) 10% Nutrition through the life span 15% Digestion, absorption and metabolism 10% Cultural and religious influences 5% Food related illnesses and allergies 10% Medical nutrition therapy 20% Diabetes Cardiovascular disease Renal disease o Gastrointestinal disease Cancer Clients with special needs To encourage HOSA members to explore and learn about the relationship of nutrition and wellness and to assess knowledge common in the health community.
KT: Pharmacology Safety will be integrated throughout the test plan Basic Concepts in Pharmacology 12% Career Opportunities in Pharmacology 3% Ethical and Legal Responsibilities 10% Pediatrics and Geriatrics Adaptations 10% Drug Names, Classifications, Action, and Interactions 30% Drug Administration 20% Drug Measurement, Dosage, Conversions 10% Technologies in Pharmacology 5% To encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the principles and science common to pharmacology in the health community.
KT: Pathophysiology Disease Process and Terminology 12% (Including cancer and neoplasms) Body Systems: Integumentary 8% Musculoskeletal 10% Heart 8% Blood vessels 4% Lymphatic 6% Respiratory 8% Digestive 12% Endocrine 8% Nervous (including senses) 12% Reproductive 6% Urinary 6% To encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the prefixes, suffixes, roots, anatomy and physiology of human diseases impacting the health community.
KT: Transcultural Healthcare
Cultural foundations 15% Health, healing and family traditions 15% Cultural competence 20% Religion, rituals, health and illness Native American heritage 10% Asian heritage 10% African American heritage 10% Hispanic heritage 10% European heritage 10% To encourage HOSA members to explore and learn about the importance of cultural competence for the promotion of health, the prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders, and the support of those in a diverse health community.
Health Professions Events
Biomedical Laboratory Science Clinical Nursing Clinical Specialty Dental Science Home Health Aide Medical Assisting Medical Assisting Fillable Form - Skill II Nursing Assisting Personal Care* Physical Therapy Sports Medicine Veterinary Science
Biomedical Laboratory Science
Round 1: Written, multiple choice test Round 2: Performance of selected skill(s) identified in a written scenario. To provide HOSA members with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in medical laboratory and biotechnology careers.
Clinical Nursing Round 1: written, multiple choice test.
To provide the HOSA member with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in clinical nursing. Round 1: written, multiple choice test. Round 2: performance of selected skill(s) identified in a written scenario
Clinical Specialty 1: career portfolio
2: the demonstration of a selected skill common to the chosen health career. The skill portion will consist of a digitally recorded demonstration of a skill related to the chosen career.
Dental Science 1: Written Test
2: The demonstration of a selected skill common to the chosen health career. The skill portion will consist of a digitally recorded demonstration of a skill related to the chosen career.
Home Health Aide 1: Written Test
To provide HOSA members the Health Science student with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as a home health aide. 1: Written Test 2: The demonstration of a selected skills
Emergency Preparedness Events
CERT Skills CPR/First Aid Emergency Medical Technician Epidemiology Life Support Skills* MRC Partnership Public Health
Cert Skills 1: Written Test 2: The demonstration of a selected skills
To provide HOSA members with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills they will need to respond to their community’s immediate needs in the aftermath of a disaster, when emergency services are not immediately available. 1: Written Test 2: The demonstration of a selected skills
CPR / First Aide (2-person team) Life Support Skills (IDA – no test)
To provide the HOSA member with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in team first aid and basic life support for health providers. 1: Written Test 2: The demonstration of a selected skills
EMT 1: Written Test 2: The demonstration of a selected skills
To provide HOSA members with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as a team in emergency medical care 1: Written Test 2: The demonstration of a selected skills
Epidemiology 1: Written Test 2: Case Study w/ short answer questions
To encourage HOSA members to study the effects of health and disease in populations, to improve their scientific literacy, and to provide insights into public health careers. 1: Written Test 2: Case Study w/ short answer questions
MRC Partnership- 2-6 member team
The purpose of this event is to initiate and/or grow a partnership between HOSA and a local Medical Reserve Corps unit. Actively engage with the Medical Reserve Corps by participating in activities that improve public health, increase emergency response capabilities and strengthen the resiliency of their communities while demonstrating an impact on their local community.
Public Health- 2-6 member team
Create an effective, dynamic and creative public health presentation to educate the public on a topic of public health concern. 2 rounds, short & long. To encourage HOSA members to work as a team to plan and teach others in their community about public health initiatives.
Leadership Events Extemporaneous Health Poster Extemporaneous Writing
Health Career Photography Healthy Lifestyle Interviewing Skills* Job Seeking Skills Prepared Speaking Researched Persuasive Writing and Speaking Speaking Skills*
Extemporaneous Health Poster
An individual creation of a poster conducted in a setting with work tables and sufficient space for each competitor to carry out his/her form of artistic expression, to be completed within three (3) hours of work time. To encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to analyze and interpret current health and HOSA-related issues and express and communicate this interpretation through the development of a poster.
Extemporaneous Writing
Write and save an essay on a secret topic in one hour. To encourage HOSA members to improve their ability to express themselves in writing
Medical Photography Photograph three different health professionals performing an aspect of their job, edit the photos using computer software technology as needed, provide a written description of the career and then may present their three printed pictures to a panel of judges. To encourage HOSA members to analyze different health careers through the use of digital photography, and to use technology in editing and presenting digital pictures.
Healthy Lifestyle Round 1: Written Test Round 2: A judge interview (Set a personal goal and document your efforts in a personalized Healthy Lifestyle portfolio. The time period will begin on or after September 1st of the competition year, and will conclude at the specific conference at which the event is held. The purpose of this event is to provide the HOSA member with an opportunity to learn healthy living concepts and apply their learning to a personal healthy lifestyle goal.
Job Seeking & Interviewing Skills
Prepare a cover letter and resume, along with two additional copies, to bring with them to the International Leadership Conference (ILC). At the ILC, competitors will complete a job application (at orientation) and participate in a job interview (assigned time received at orientation). Competitors will complete a job application (at orientation) and participate in a job interview. To encourage HOSA members to develop and/or refine the skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment. Interviewing Skills is for those classified under the provision of the 2004 reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Prepared Speaking Create an effective, dynamic and creative public health presentation to educate the public on a topic of public health concern. 2 rounds, short & long. To encourage HOSA members to work as a team to plan and teach others in their community about public health initiatives.
Researched Persuasive Writing and Speaking
Create an effective, dynamic and creative public health presentation to educate the public on a topic of public health concern. 2 rounds, short & long. To encourage HOSA members to work as a team to plan and teach others in their community about public health initiatives.
Teamwork Events Biomedical Debate Community Awareness
Creative Problem Solving Forensic Medicine Health Career Display Health Education HOSA Bowl Medical Innovation Parliamentary Procedure Public Service Announcement
Biomedical Debate Teams of 3-4 Written test Debate
To provide HOSA members with an opportunity to research the pros and cons of a biomedical issue, and showcase those skills in a debate-like format. Teams of 3-4 Written test Debate
Community Awareness Community Awareness is a service project designed to raise community awareness of a health and/or safety related issue of local, state and/or national interest. The project, selected by the HOSA chapter, should be one that addresses one specific health and/or safety issue, need or concern and makes a worthwhile contribution to the community. The project should have a direct relationship to the organization's purposes and to Health Science or Biomedical Science Education. Activities are then planned to make the community aware of the health and/or safety issue. The chapter documents each activity as it is planned, conducted and evaluated. When the project is completed, the chapter develops a portfolio that documents and explains the project and activities. A team of 2-4 competitors presents the chapter’s project to a panel of judges in an interview, using the portfolio as documentation of their accomplishments.
Creative Problem Solving
To encourage HOSA members to analyze the problem solving process and to work as a team to apply their problem solving skills in creating a solution to a hypothetical health or HOSA-related problem. Written test Team will be given a potential problem related to HOSA, the health community, or a specific health issue. Teams will have 30 minutes to analyze the problem. At the end of the preparation time, teams will have 8 minutes to present their solution to a panel of judges.
Forensic Medicine To encourage HOSA members to analyze careers in forensic medicine and to work as a team to apply their knowledge and skills in creating a solution to a forensic medicine-related problem. Written Test A team of 2 will be given a case study related to forensic medicine. Teams will have six (6) minutes to analyze a case study, which will include written information and may include physical evidence. Finally, teams will be given thirty (30) minutes to write their conclusions.
Health Career Display
Health Education
Medical Innovation
Public Service Announcement
Recognition Events Barbara James Service Award HOSA Happenings
Healthcare Issues Exam National Service Project HOSA Chapter Reflection Outstanding State Leader MRC Volunteer Recognition
Barbara James Service Award
HOSA Nationals 2017 Orlando, FL
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