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Sustainability of Care Management Services

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1 Sustainability of Care Management Services
Timothy P. McNeill, RN, MPH Healthcare Consultant

2 Care Mgmt and Health Reform
1 Care Management Svcs 2 Implementation / Risk Strat. 3 Next Steps 4

3 New Business Opportunities Abound
The shift towards financial incentives that align with preventing costs has created new business opportunities MACRA Merit Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Alternative Payment Models (APMS) Medicaid Reform 1115 Waiver Health Homes Population Health Identification of populations that are most at-risk for increasing costs

4 Support for Physicians to Expand Utilization of CCM
Option to outsource services to a third party care management company with expertise in working with target populations Patient contact and care management is expected to be non-face-to-face Add-on code for reviewing the person-centered plan Services can be provided by “Clinical Staff” as compared to administrative staff Clinical staff can be leased employees, contractors, or employees of a third party care management company

5 Evaluation of Risk-Based Contracting: Evaluation of Bundled Payment Programs
Publicly available market research CMS Bundled Payment for Care Improvement (BPCI) Initiative Models 2 – 4: Year 2 Evaluation & Monitoring Annual Report Released August 2016 Available for download:

6 Key Takeaways from Evaluation Report
130 participating hospitals 60,000 episodes of care Primary episode major joint replacement of the lower extremity Congestive Heart Failure COPD Pneumonia Largest savings occurred in joint replacement episodes $864 (3%) reduction in total episode costs Few achieved savings for cardiac care models

7 Challenges for Identified in the Evaluation Report
Success requires a targeted strategy to reduce OR eliminate Institutional Post-Acute Care Almost all savings attributed to reducing institutional PAC Care Management is essential to success Care management must extend into the community for the full range of the risk period – up to 90 days Managing patient expectations related to PAC use Challenges with establishing relationships with PAC providers

8 Care Management Services

9 Medicare Part B: Care Management Coverage
Transitional Care Management (TCM) 30-Day intervention to coordinate care after an acute hospitalization or institutional placement Chronic Care Management (CCM) 20-Min care coordination intervention with low-complexity Complex Chronic Care Management 60-Min Moderate – High complex care coordination Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Care Coordination to address behavioral health issues, such as Depression Ex. Collaborative Care Management (CoCM)

10 CPT/HCPCS Codes and Rates
The rates shown are the National Reimbursement Rates

11 Description of the population receiving CCM today
513,000 Unique Medicare beneficiaries received the service Frequency = 4 times per person Participants tend to have a higher disease burden and suffer from social determinants of health Recipients are more likely to be dual-eligible Physicians report clinical staff spending 45 – 60 min per month per beneficiary on CCM

12 Key Takeaways Primary population receiving CCM today includes dual-eligible beneficiaries (total population = 513,000) MedPac data reports approximately 10 million dual-eligible beneficiaries nationwide MACRA baseline performance established CY2017 Physicians can outsource CCM to a third-party care management company Third party must provide services using U.S. based clinical staff (cannot outsource to foreign call center)

13 2017 Physician Fee Schedule
Final Rule Posted November 15, 2016 Regulation # CMS-1654F Available: Key Changes Significant expansion in care management reimbursement Services can be outsourced to a third-party care management company

14 Transitional Care Management

15 Medicare Part B beneficiary
Eligibility for Transitional Care Management & Chronic care management services Medicare Part B beneficiary Medicare Only Dual Eligible TCM – Admission to an Acute Care Facility, SNF or mental health facility CCM – Two or more chronic conditions and risk of deterioration in health status if conditions are not managed well Applies to Non-CPC+ Practices CPC+ Practices benefit from expanded care mgmt reimbursement

16 Transitional Care Management (TCM)
TCM provides reimbursement when a thirty (30) day care transition service is provided to a Medicare beneficiary that is admitted to one of the following: Acute Care Facility Mental Health Institution Skilled Nursing Facility / Subacute Rehab facility TCM services can be a qualifying service for Chronic Care Management or BHI services Specific time points must be met to submit for reimbursement.

17 Transitional Care Management (TCM) key timepoints
48 hours of discharge Make contact with each enrolled beneficiary Determine potential risk Med review Coordinate homecare / Discuss needs with caregiver Day 7 / Day 14 Conduct a face-to-face encounter Complete medication reconciliation Review history / make referrals / screen for psychosocial risk factors Day 7 – 30 Update transition plan / address identified issues

18 Transitional Care Management (TCM) Barriers to Implementation
Missed requirements Lack of awareness of hospitalization / discharge date Electronic notification of transition data Day 7 / Day 14 follow-up appt coordination Support to address behavioral health issues impacting health outcomes Depression co-morbidity with chronic disease Support to address social determinants of health

19 Transitional Care Management (TCM) Best Practices
Define a dedicated team to coordinate care transitions services Team should be multi-disciplinary in nature Ability to Address Social Determinants Access to community resources Ability to navigate the State Waiver / LTSS system Ability to address psychosocial factors Partner with Essential Community Resources Community-Based Organizations with history of addressing high-risk populations Aging Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Area Agencies on Aging Centers for Independent Living

20 TCM link to CCM TCM link to CoCM/BHI
Transitional Care Management (TCM) Integration with other Care Management Services TCM link to CCM Assess for need for ongoing Chronic Care Management Services Obtain consent for CCM Develop expanded CCM person-centered plan TCM link to CoCM/BHI Assess for need for ongoing behavioral health care management Refer to behavioral health care management team Develop behavioral health care management plan Consider evidence-based program intervention i.e., PEARLS for Depression management Complete Assessment

21 Chronic Care Management

22 Required Elements - Consent
Must obtain beneficiary consent prior to initiating services Verbal Consent is acceptable Must document in the record that verbal consent was obtained Consent process must include educating the beneficiary on Part B cost sharing requirements Medigap plans cover cost-sharing requirements Dual Eligible beneficiaries have Medicaid as their Medigap policy which cover the Part B co-insurance requirement

23 Required Elements – Person-Centered Plan
Plan should address Medical, Social, and Psychosocial factors impacting health Identify interventions to address each area of need Services are intended to cover up to 12 months Update plan as needed during the duration of the intervention

24 Creating a Care Plan Support the completion of a person-centered plan
Services that can be included as part of the Care Management Person-Centered Plan Education and outreach Disease Self-Management Support Services / Classes Care Coordination Communication with all providers Support to address Psycho-Social Barriers impacting health Medication Reconciliation Health Coaching services

25 Behavioral Health Integration

26 Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) / Collaborative Care Management (CoCM)
Care Coordination for persons with a behavioral health diagnosis This service can be provided by a third party care management company Services can be reimbursed for the same beneficiary receiving CCM as well as CPC+ Practice sites – during the same month BHI services Outreach and engagement Initial assessment/person-centered planning Development of patient registries Patient activation and health system navigation

27 Collaborative Care Management (CoCM) Requirements
CPT Codes: , 99493, and 99494 Reimbursed under Medicare beginning January 1, 2017 Primary care billing codes These codes reimburse for coordination of care and support for the patient with a behavioral health diagnosis. This is not reimbursement for treatment or therapy This is reimbursement for behavioral health care coordination and support provided by primary care Treatment, therapy, and primary care E/M continue to be reimbursed – separately Services are not appropriate for psychiatry

28 Collaborative Care Management (CoCM) Staff Req.
Treating Practitioner Typically the Primary Care Provider Physician or Non-Physician Provider (NP, PA, CNM) Behavioral Health Care Manager Individual with training in behavioral health, working under general supervision of the billing practitioner Psychiatric Consultant A medical professional trained in psychiatry and qualified to prescribe the full range of medications

29 Behavioral Health Care-Manager
No minimum license req. Assessments Administer rating scales i.e., PHQ-9 Provide face-to-face or non-face-to-face services to support the beneficiary Billed on a calendar month Billing based on an aggregate of time over the calendar month (60 min) Ability to engage the beneficiary outside of clinic hours or the clinic location Coordinate between primary care and behavioral health team

30 Risk Stratification Strategy

31 CMS Medicare Chartbook:

32 Nearly 70% of FFS Medicare has 2 or more chronic conditions

33 Per Capita Expenditures increase as the conditions increase

34 CMS Analysis: Social Determinants of Medicare Advantage Plan Performance

35 CMS Analysis: Social Determinants of Medicare Advantage Plan Performance

36 Concerns about access to CCM & CoCM
MACRA mandates that CMS track access and utilization for chronic care management for high-risk groups including the following: Racial and ethnic minorities Rural Populations Dual Eligible Beneficiaries Expanded HCBS Services

37 Risk Stratification Strategy: Multiple Chronic Conditions
Persons with multiple chronic conditions can benefit from care coordination programs that include: Health Coaching Disease Self-Management Education Patient Activation Support to improve Medication Adherence HCBS

38 Risk Stratification Strategy: Social Determinants of Health
Low-Income Status has been proven to have a negative impact on achieving defined clinical outcome goals Populations impacted by social determinants of health need support to address social and psychosocial factors impacting health outcomes Successful interventions extend beyond the clinical setting and into the community

39 Risk Stratification Strategy: Behavioral Health Co-Morbidity
Multiple studies have shown that the presence of depression and social isolation correlate with significantly higher costs and poor clinical outcomes for persons with heart disease such as congestive heart failure. Depression in the older adult population is particularly difficult to identify and manage

40 Where Do We Start Determine how our teams achieve clinical integration
Determine the best option for referral management and outcome reporting of clinical measures Establish mutually agreed upon program goals that align with value-based payment contract requirements Define how we will track ROI Data tracking Outcome measurement Continually report on ROI analysis whenever possible

41 Pilot the Process Identify One Provider within the organization to test the process Seek out a champion Develop a model of sharing clinical data Establish a process of targeting the participants CBO and Provider gain knowledge of the culture of the business Embed a health coach within the practice

42 Questions

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