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ECONOMICS: November 26 (Only three weeks to go before final exams!)

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1 ECONOMICS: November 26 (Only three weeks to go before final exams!)
Warm-up Access your economics grades in Skyward. List at least three things you intend to do to maintain your performance (if you are doing extremely well) or to improve your performance. Importantly, if you are at risk of failing, discuss what you intend to do to make sure you pass the course. Ch. 17, Lessons 1 & 2 Guide (HO) (TURN IN) Learning Target #1 In order to understand the importance of international trade, I will analyze exports and imports between the United States, Texas, and the rest of the world. I will know I have it when I can explain how trade can: (1) benefit individuals; (2) benefit businesses; and (3) benefit both the United States and its trading partners through specialization. Gallery Walk: exports vs. imports and U.S. trading partners; U.S. trade numbers; Texas at a glance; specialization Lecture: gains resulting from trade; impact of 9-11 on international trade Learning Target #2 In order to understand international trade policy I will analyze trade restrictions and trade agreements. I will know I have it when I can: (1) list and explain the different types of trade barriers; (2) explain why nations may choose to pursue protectionist trade policy; (3) explain some reasons why many believe free trade is better than protectionism; and (4) explain the ongoing controversy surrounding NAFTA. Self-guided: barriers to trade–tariffs, quotas, & embargoes From textbook: protectionists vs. free traders; NAFTA--pros, cons (Note: USMCTA) Closure Do you agree with protectionists or free traders? Explain. Assignment Read Chapter 17, Lesson 3 Warm-ups due Thursday (from today through Thursday); MAKEUP TESTS???

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