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Homais Hannah Bumgarner.

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1 Homais Hannah Bumgarner

2 Homais by flaubert Homais is a Pharmacy owner or apothecary
An apothecary /əˈpɒθɨkəri/ was a medical professional who formulated and dispensed materia medica (medical material/substance )to physicians, surgeons and patients. The modern pharmacist (in American English) or chemist (in British English) has taken over this role. The apothecaries' investigation of herbal and chemical ingredients was a precursor to the modern sciences of chemistry and pharmacology. He lives in Yonville He's in the middle class He has a wife and two children

3 Homais by the reader Homais is manipulative
Only wants what benefits him Ambitious Over confident Loves to hear himself speak He is a brown-noser

4 Sympathy Are we supposed to feel sympathy towards Homais? Sympathy:
feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune understanding between people; common feeling By Flaubert’s terms, no He exemplifies many traits that Flaubert despises Religion Social standing

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