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Effect of Cryogenic Temperature Deposition of Various Metal Contacts to Bulk, Single-Crystal n-type ZnO J. Wright1, L. Stafford1, B.P. Gila1, D.P. Norton1,

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Presentation on theme: "Effect of Cryogenic Temperature Deposition of Various Metal Contacts to Bulk, Single-Crystal n-type ZnO J. Wright1, L. Stafford1, B.P. Gila1, D.P. Norton1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effect of Cryogenic Temperature Deposition of Various Metal Contacts to Bulk, Single-Crystal n-type ZnO J. Wright1, L. Stafford1, B.P. Gila1, D.P. Norton1, S.J. Pearton1, Hung-Ta Wang2, F. Ren2 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 2Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611

2 Acknowledgements The authors greatly acknowledge the support for this research as sponsored by AFOSR grant under grant number F , by the Army Research Office under grant no. DAAD and the NSF (DMR , Dr. L. Hess).

3 Introduction ZnO has intriguing, useable properties:
bandgap (3.2 eV) exciton binding energy (~60 meV – vs. 24 meV for GaN) Potential in UV LEDs, transparent FETs Efficient excitonic emission processes → high temp applications Prototype ZnO-based LEDs up to 400°C

4 Potential Applications UV/Blue optoelectronics Transparent transistors
Background Bulk ZnO (n-type) commercially available Grown on inexpensive substrates at low temperatures Heterojunction by substitution in Zn-site Cd ~ 3.0 eV Mg ~ 4.0 eV Ferromagnetism at practical Tc when doped with transition metals Obstacle: good quality, reproducible p-type Obstacle: development of thermally stable contacts GaN ZnO Bandgap (eV) µe (cm2/V-sec) µh (cm2/V-sec) me mo 0.24mo mh mo 0.59mo Exciton binding 28 60 energy (meV) Potential Applications UV/Blue optoelectronics Transparent transistors Nanoscale detectors Spintronic devices

5 Problem Creation of thermally stable, reliable low resistance Ohmic and Schottky contacts Typical Schottky contacts yield ΦB = eV Au, Ag, Pd Trend with ΦB often does not correlate to metal work function Typical Ohmic contacts yield ρc = 10-3 – 10-7 Ω cm2 (annealing < 500°C) Ti/Au, Zn/Au, Al/Pt, Pt/Ga Thermal stability of Ohmic contacts is extremely poor Interest in use of cryogenic deposition temperatures Mechanisms for barrier height enhancement are unknown Ideality factor of Au contacts for InP increased – MIS structure No trend in barrier height to metal work function has limited understanding of barrier height enhancement. Does the MIS structure improve barrier height and ideality or no?

6 Experiment Undoped, single-crystal ZnO (0001) (Zn face)
n = 1017 cm-3; μ = 190 cm2/V s Ti, Ni, Pt, Pd (1000 A) – Deposited at RT and 77K Evaporator UHV (10-10 Torr) 3 min UV ozone treatment µm range Backside Ohmic contacts Ti/Au (200A / 2000A) Ar plasma-assisted rf sputtering Contacts 450°C for 1 minute O2 ambient Post-deposition annealing (up to 300°C, 30 min anneals) AES SEM/Optical Micrograph Electrical characteristics by I-V curves N type comes from impurities in matl. H, O vac.

7 Initial Results Typical Morphology Room Temp 77K Deposition
Smooth pattern Some distortion on Low temp deposition Pt, Pd

8 Initial Results – I-V Characteristics
Make note of Ohmic behavior in Ti and Ni contacts; Schottky behavior in Pt and Pd contacts. Schottky Mott Model – Pt and Pd have higher work functions than electron affinity for ZnO. Schottky-Mott model correlation

9 I-V Response – Ohmic Contacts
Increase in resistance for low-temp deposited contacts. Resistance decreases w/ contact area – expected.

10 I-V Response – Schottky Contacts
Resistance higher again for low-temp contacts.

11 Barrier Height & Ideality – Pt + Pd
Deposition n Φb (eV) Pt Room Temp ~2 0.37 Low Temp 1.6 0.5 Pd 1.9 0.44 1.7 0.69 Ideality factors lower for low temp deposition Barrier height enhanced by low temp More abrupt interface Need for C-V measurements, XPS

12 Pd Annealing – I-V Response
Ideality ↓ w/ each anneal n~1-2 after 300 ↑ Barrier height MIS structure Au contacts = no ΔΦb w/ temp Au contacts don’t oxidize easily – MIS structure unlikely to develop – results with little change to barrier height over annealing temperature

13 Pd Annealing – Leakage Current
↓ over whole anneal for RT No Δ for LT MIS structure Effect of surface area ↓

14 AES – As-deposited Depth Profile
Surface scans had three components: Ni, Oxygen from a native oxide, and atmospheric carbon. Sharp interfaces are observed. No major difference btw RT and LT. Room Temperature Low Temp

15 AES – Post-anneal Depth Profile
No difference noticed by AES, even with the differences noticed in electrical characteristics. If MIS structure is present, AES cannot detect it. Room Temperature Low Temp

16 Final Conclusions Deposition of Ti, Ni, Pt and Pd contacts on ZnO by low-temperature evaporation has been investigated. Room-temperature deposition has been investigated for comparison. Ni and Ti samples show Ohmic behavior Resistance increased with low-temperature deposition Pt and Pd samples show Schottky behavior Room Temp Φb ~ 0.4 eV Low Temp Φb > 0.5 eV Subsequent annealing of Pd increased Φb by ~0.6 eV Leakage current -0.5V) decreased for RT contacts Mechanisms for behavior differences - interfacial oxide layer

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