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Presentation on theme: "Invertebrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invertebrates

2 Characteristics No backbone/spinal column Multicellular Heterotrophic
Some are symmetrical

3 Phylum Porifera Animals with pores
There are over 50,000 different species Most live in salt water and few live in freshwater Have been used for______________________ Sessile: they __________ themselves down and do not move

4 Body plan/structure Primitive and multicellular
Do not have organs, muscles, nerves, mouth, or digestive cavity Have specialized cells for different functions Porous body with two types of openings Water flows in through ________________ Water flows out through________________

5 Skeleton Some sponges are made up of small, hard ____________
Spicules come in different shapes and sizes Spicules woven together by material called ________ Made of calcium carbonate or silica

6 food Filter feeders-primarily eat plankton
Sponge chambers lined with ____________ (aka collar cells) Beat ____________to force water through sponge. Water brings in Nutrients and Oxygen, and carries out waste and Carbon Dioxide 2. sticky collars of the collar cells pick up tiny bits of food brought in with the water.


8 Reproduction Asexual Two types
___________________: new sponge grows on parent and falls off to create new animal 2. Regeneration:

9 Reproduction Sexual Eggs and sperm released in water
Most Species hermaphroditic Eggs and sperm released a different times to ensure __________fertilization

10 Sponges!

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