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Your child’s discipline is very important

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1 Your child’s discipline is very important
Your child’s discipline is very important. We want to have the best learning environment possible in our classroom. We will be using a card system that recognizes when a child does something positive. It is very important for your child to be at school everyday, but If your child will be absent, please call to let the office know. My address is . This is a wonderful way to contact me. Please make sure that your child’s emergency card is always up to date. If you would like to send birthday treat’s on your child’s birthday, that is fine. Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless there is an invitation for everyone. I will be sending home Scholastic book order forms every two weeks. Please check your child’s folder each night. We will have gym twice a week. Please make sure your child wears sneakers on gym days. Communication is extremely important. If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ext. 605 or You can also always send in a note with your child. Your child will have homework Monday-Thursday. There will be some special projects so keep an eye out!

2 You are the most important aspect of your child’s education.
Need extra practice for your child, want some at-home activities, or want to learn about what we do? Then check out the website. When the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child wears a jacket to school. Please make sure to sign in and out at the office every time you come to school. Know what’s going on by reading the weekly Fridge Facts and checking the school’s and the class’ website. Please get involved with the PTO. First grade will have recess and lunch from 10:57-11:47. We will visit the library once a week for a story and to check out books. Please make sure your child takes good care of their library books. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. I can be reached by phone, , or by writing a note. Please read with your child every night. Report Cards will be sent home four times a year. Our report cards are developmental. We will have Music once a week. Please make sure that any money that is sent to school comes in an envelope labeled with your child’s name. If it is lunch money, please also include your child’s number. Keep an eye out for our special invitation events that occur throughout the year. You will be in for a treat!

3 If your child has a change in their transportation home, please inform me. Without a note or phone call, you child MUST go home the same way as they normally do. Tuesday is Poetry Day. Please read the poem in the poetry journal each night and return on Fridays. We will have many fun and eXciting eXperiences in 1st grade. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. I hope that we can work together this year to make your child’s 1st grade school year a huge success! If you do not understand something I have sent home, please feel free to ask. ZZZZZZ…..Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest in order to perform their best every day. This year will zoom by so let’s make the best of it! Please sign up to volunteer to bring items in for our class parties on Back to School Night or see the Room Moms. Word Wall Words will be sent home every Monday and a test will be given on Fridays.

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