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Global Warming By: Alonso Flores, Christian Luciano, Jocelyn Sarmiento, Yesenia Martinez.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming By: Alonso Flores, Christian Luciano, Jocelyn Sarmiento, Yesenia Martinez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming By: Alonso Flores, Christian Luciano, Jocelyn Sarmiento, Yesenia Martinez

2 Global Warming Global warming is the result of increase in the earth’s average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and and methane. UV rays and visible light first comes down from the sun. When the UV rays hit the earth, the clouds absorb the energy and also the ground. ⅓ of the solar radiation gets deflected by the earth's atmosphere. The remaining UV radiation goes towards earth. The albedo of the earth then sends the energy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, but the infrared radiation gets absorbed by greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Scientist state that climate change is primarily to man’s burning of fossil fuels--oil coal and natural gas. This releases CO2, carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and, they believe, this might eventually dangerously heat the planet.

3 A diagram of how global warming happens

4 What Alarmist Are Alarmist are a group of individuals that exaggerates danger and cause needless worry or panic. There are 3 groups: Politicians, Environmentalists, and Media. Global warming alarmism provides them, more than any other issue, with the things they most want. Politicians: Politicians want money and power. Environmentalists: Environmentalists want money for their organizations and to prove that man are a destructive force acting upon nature. Media: The media wants ideology, money and headlines.

5 Atmosphere As shown in the pie chart to the right, nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the atmosphere. Therefore, any other gases, including greenhouse gases, only make up 1% of the atmosphere.

6 Why Humans are Not a Big Contributor to Global Climate Change
When we burn fossil fuels, we emit carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. However, greenhouse gasses are only included in 1% of the atmosphere; Additionally, carbon dioxide have a global warming Without greenhouse gasses Nasa concluded that earth would be about 0 degrees fahrenheit. Green house gasses produced by humans isn’t the only thing that contributes to climate change there are natural occurrences like volcanic eruptions. We are also still in an ice age called the Pleistocene Ice Age. When an ice age occurs the earth has more ice than usual so later on when the ice age is about to end the ice star

7 Pleistocene Ice Age We are currently in an ice age. During ice ages the earth’s polar ice caps get bigger with more ice. This causes the global temperature to decrease;however, over time the ice starts to melt at a steady pace. This supports that the global climate change is going to increase going towards the future

8 Over population Most of the freshwater resources are either unreachable and polluted, leaving less than 1% of the world's freshwater of water, not able to be accessible for direct human use. According to the Global Outlook for Water Resources to the Year 2025, it is estimated that by 2025, more than half of the world population will be facing water-based vulnerability and human demand for water will account for 70% of all available freshwater.


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