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Tuesday 9/13/16 AIM:How do observations help to develop a Hypothesis?

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 9/13/16 AIM:How do observations help to develop a Hypothesis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 9/13/16 AIM:How do observations help to develop a Hypothesis?
DO NOW: Complete both sides of the Scientific Method HOMEWORK: Handout A beriberi interesting case 15.00for your review book

2 Wednesday 9/14/16 AIM:How do observations help to develop a Hypothesis? DO NOW: What is the purpose of the scientific method? HW: Textbook read pages answer questions 2,3,4 on page 21 USE PROPER HW FORMAT

3 The Scientific Method 1- Observation 2- Research 3- Hypothesis
4- Experiment 5- Analysis 6- Conclusion 7- Record

4 Look at each of the pictures displayed and tell me what you think



7 As you LOOKED at the plants, what did your OBSERVATIONS tell you?
How do scientists make observations?

8 Observations are made…….
By using our 5 senses Sight Smell Sound Touch Taste

9 My observation: When I wash my hair with Shampoo it has less frizz
What is my next step according to the scientific method?

10 Research The purpose is to collect all possible information about your original observation Your research EDUCATES you on your observation

11 3:Hypothesis An educated guess A prediction
You have researched your observation which has educated you on the topic now you are going to predict the outcome you think you will get after performing an experiment. Testable statement You are going to develop an experiment to test your hypothesis

12 Why is a hypothesis called an educated guess?
My hypothesis: Shampoo reduces frizz in hair

13 Controlled Experiments
Set up two or more groups for comparison Groups are set up to be alike in all ways except one The one difference between the two groups at the start of the experiment is called the “independent variable” The INdependent variable is the one you are IN control of! Cause of change Dependant variable: Effected by the independent variable Experimental Group(s) is (are) exposed to the independent variable, the Control Group is not

14 Designing an experiment
Must have a purpose for investigation Experiment must be based on research, a previous experiment or an observation Your EXPERIMENT should be based on your hypothesis ALL FACTORS ARE THE SAME EXCEPT THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE

15 Assessment Set up a controlled experiment to test the hypothesis: Shampoo reduces frizz Make sure to identify the Control group Experimental group Independent variable Dependent variable

16 Friday 9/16/16 AIM: How can we identify the variables in a controlled experiment? DO NOW: Identify the independent and dependent variables in each of the following examples 1- Taking vitamins helps extend your life span 2- A scientist thinks that the type of food eaten effects the mass of mice HOMEWORK: Please bring in $15.00 for your review book Textbook read pages Answer questions 2,3,4 on page 21 Use proper hw format

17 The Scientific Method 1- Observation 2- Research 3- Hypothesis
4- Experiment 5- Analysis 6- Conclusion 7- Record

18 Why do scientists research their observations?
Scientists research to gain knowledge on their observation to help them form a hypothesis

19 Any changing factor in the experiment
What is a variable? Any changing factor in the experiment

20 How are controlled experiments setup?
Set up in 2:Control group and experimental group

21 Designing a controlled experiment
Control setup use all the same equipment, same conditions, but no variables are tested. Provides a baseline for which to compare the results with the experimental setup. Experimental setup is set up exactly the same way as the CONTROL, but one thing that you want to measure is factored in. Uses the independent variable (cause) which determines the dependent variable (effect).

22 Types of variables in a controlled experiment
Independent the only factor that changes in the experimental group The independent variable is the CAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! Dependent changes as a result of the independent variable. The dependent variable is the EFFECT!!!!!!!!!! It only changes because of the independent variable

23 Pd 3 Monday 9/19/16

24 Procedure ALL OTHER FACTORS EXCEPT THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE MUST BE THE SAME Experimental procedures must be very detailed and precise Must include specifics about amounts, materials, temperatures and data collection Must be written step by step

25 Identify the independent and dependent variables

26 Pd 1 Monday 9/19/16

27 Monday 9/19/16 AIM: How can we set up a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis?

28 Characteristics of Good Experiments
Use large numbers in each group, this increases the reliability of your results Validity or repeatability-other scientists should be able to get similar results if they repeat your procedures Cautious Conclusions conclusions should be based directly on the data results could be affected by factors that you are unaware of

29 Hypothesis, Theory & Law
Hypothesis: Prediction needs to be tested, may or may not be correct Theory: Explanation a former hypothesis that has been supported by many experiments can still be changed or discarded Law a theory that scientists are extremely confident in (ex: the law of gravity)

30 Assessment Set up a controlled experiment to test the hypothesis: Shampoo reduces frizz Make sure to identify the Control group Experimental group Independent variable Dependent variable

31 Controlled Experiment
Control Group Experimental group

32 The food mice eat effect the mass of the mice
How can you set up a controlled experiment to test this?

33 Identify the independent and dependent variables
Hypothesis: Plants grown in sunlight will be greener than plants grown in the dark Independent variable: light exposure Dependent variable: greenness of plants

34 Use the information below to answer all questions
Group a Group b 10 pea seeds 10 pea seeds 1 clay pot clay pot 10 cups of soil 10 cups of soil 5 cups water 5 cups water sunlight dark closet 22 degrees 22 degrees Q1; Which group is the control group and how do you know? Q2; which group is the experimental group and how do you know? Q3: What is the independent variable?

35 Q3: what is the independent variable?
Q4: What are some of the controls in the experimental setups? Q5: what is the dependant variable? Q6: What hypothesis do you think is being tested?

36 Monday AIM: How can we collect data during a controlled experiment?
DO NOW: Observe the picture and create a hypothesis based on your observation

37 Which do you think will melt faster and why, A 5 pound block of ice or a 5 pound block of ice chips? Make sure to explain your answer. How could you test this?

38 What hypothesis do you think this experiment is testing?
Identify the independent and dependent variable


40 Write a one sentence conclusion of enzyme activity and temperature change.

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