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Blue Goose Technology Solutions, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Blue Goose Technology Solutions, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue Goose Technology Solutions, Inc.
Where Insurance and Technology Meet

2 Your Blue Goose Team Blue Goose Technology Solutions, Inc. Representatives: Dana Richard Platt Contact Information: Office – Mobile – Time Zone – Central Home Base – Texas

3 On-site Expectations Who should be attending these classes (Train-the-Trainer) Responsible for proper training of client end-user staff Ensure system implementation meets your business needs and properly tested Gather and organize information to assist Blue Goose in a timely implementation Track internal task of your team members to help project stay on task Bought into major system change that is about to happen Understands new system will be different and some end users are not going to be happy Manage end-user expectation and the disruption a new system will cause Manage internal time-lines to accomplish go-live goal Understands going live will generate some level of user frustration and business chaos Understands they must dedicate time using ExpertInsure and become knowledgeable of how it works My training role I am not an underwriter I am not a your business analysts I am not writing or rewriting your internal SOP’s I am not your IT staff I am not training on basic desktop task you should already know Browsing your drive or desktop Using PDF and other document viewers Use of Outlook and other office products Configuring your desktop

4 On-site Expectations Blue Goose Training Materials
Guides are a click-by-click format Guides are designed around common business workflows It does not document your internal business processes, only ExpertInsure specific processes It assumes you have a basic knowledge of desktop task I will not make underwriting decisions or show you how to rate, underwrite, etc… “Basic User Guide” demonstrates common functionality and does not repeat itself in workflow guides Will provide you with materials to use when training end users. Modify as you see fit. Will train from BG training materials What is covered this week Common System Functionality Quote Functionality Bind Functionality Endorsement Functionality Cancellation/Reinstatement Functionality Policy Issuance Functionality (If purchased) System Customization Advance Document Management (If purchased) Claims Functionality (If purchased)

5 On-site Expectations Workshops
Performing tasks and playing with system Question & Answers Customizing or changing workflows Meeting specific department needs Data Migration Not all data is migrated from your legacy system into ExpertInsure Basic Insured, Agency & Carrier information is migrated Documents are not migrated Basic policy information is transferred only and the history of that policy is not transferred Refer to legacy system for history details Other items to make note of I work from 8am to whenever On Friday, I will leave your office earlier than normal to insure I can catch my scheduled flight

6 Client Specific Issues

7 Go-Live Date Go live means you are using the system to process live transactions You can go live as soon as you are ready End - users are comfortable with the system System is properly configured Your go-live date can dramatically vary from the time of your train-the-trainer session, depending on customizations required to for go-live. Train end-users 1-3 weeks before your scheduled live date The Go Live date is a proposed live date to ensure we have a goal to shoot for If we must reschedule for whatever reason neither party has done anything wrong Be sure executive management team understand this may happen Go live does not mean my job is done. Your implementation is on-going We can schedule training webinars We will make system adjustments throughout the process I am your point of contact during this phase We should schedule Friday time-slot to schedule live date and what needs to be done to insure a successful live. We should build a punch list of task to complete and prioritize them

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