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Year Three of the Civil War

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1 Year Three of the Civil War

2 Half way point of the war!
Half of the battles were in Va., Tenn., and Miss 627 battles in this one year!

3 Major battles in 1863 Chancellorsville (May, Robert E Lee)
Chickamauga (Sept.) Gettysburg (July, last battle in north) Vicksburg (Miss 37,277 confederates lost or dead)

4 Georgia during 1863 Battle of Chickamauga
Sept Bloodiest battle of war in Georgia, second bloodiest entire war. 34,000 men killed or wounded. William Rosecran (N) Braxton Bragg (S) Confederates drove Union army back to Chattanooga Tenn. at Chickamauga creek (means river of death)

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