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Reviewing Transition Sentences

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1 Reviewing Transition Sentences https://storycorps
After watching the storycorps animated short, write a transition sentence about how Patrick changes. He goes from what to what? How?

2 Writing A Conclusion

3 Parts of a conclusion: Restate thesis/claim Summarize main points
Catch or real world connection

4 Catch (or real world Connection) Should...
Answer the question: So what? Leave a lasting impression on the reader

5 Catch (A return to the Hook)
Like water in the desert, Freedom is something that all people seek. Once it is found, it is fulfilling, invigorating, and allows for greater opportunities to expand and explore. Freedom can be elusive, but because all people are unique, It is necessary in order to live a fulfilling life.

6 Appeal to Emotions It is a rare thing to be given a second chance by a stranger. This story illustrates the importance of believing in the goodness of others and how small acts of compassion can lead to enormous change.

7 Call to Action It is undeniable that poverty can lead to crime. Instead of punishing people for their behaviors, which are often in response to desperate situations, we must help those in need.

8 Remember this introduction?
Searching for freedom is like looking for an oasis in the desert, it is a difficult journey, but the end result is rewarding and refreshing. As seen in the movie Antz, freedom is not just about doing whatever you want, it is about making choices that support you and those around you.

9 Sample conclusion Initially, Z is only interested in rebelling to serve his own purpose and impress princess Bala, but he quickly realizes that oppressing an entire group of ants (or People) is fundamentally wrong. Z becomes a true freedom fighter when he works to create a society that supports all the ants in his community. Like water in the desert, freedom is something that all people seek. Once it is found, it is fulfilling, invigorating, and allows for greater opportunities to expand and explore. Summary of main points Restatement (but not repetition) of thesis Catch/Real World Connection

10 How about this one? Jesse Jackson, a politician and civil rights activist, has said, “Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.” When a person chooses to help someone up, instead of keeping him down and judging him, she can have a profoundly positive impact on that person’s life. In “Thank You, Ma’am,” by Langston Hughes, Roger transforms from a self-centered boy to a young man with integrity because one woman showed him kindness and forgiveness.

11 Sample Conclusion with “Thank You, Ma’am”
It is undeniable that poverty can lead to crime. Instead of punishing people for their behaviors, which are in response to desperate situations, we must help those in need. Mrs. Jones recognizes that Roger isn’t a bad person; he is lacking guidance and resources. Once she takes him in, he proves to be a trustworthy and kind young man. She would not have seen this in him without giving him a second chance. As Jackson invites us to do, Mrs. Jones helps Roger up instead of looking down on him. This gives him the opportunity to be the best version of himself. We all deserve to be our best selves, and sometimes it takes the support of an outsider to provide this. Call to action Restatement of thesis/ summary of main points So what? Real world connection

12 Practice writing a real world connection or Catch for Storycorps Episode
-Appeal to emotions -call to action -Catch

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