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Dementia: Loss of abilities include memory ,language & ability to think Defect judgment & abstract thought Broad term Group of symptom Sever loss of intellectual.

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Presentation on theme: "Dementia: Loss of abilities include memory ,language & ability to think Defect judgment & abstract thought Broad term Group of symptom Sever loss of intellectual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dementia: Loss of abilities include memory ,language & ability to think Defect judgment & abstract thought Broad term Group of symptom Sever loss of intellectual function Behavioral changes Personality changes Affect ADL Defect socialization & work Level of consciousness not change

2 Causes of dementia; 1-Primary AD
2-secondary :more than60 cause of memory loss as HIV- Stroke CVS disease Problem in brain circulation Metabolic problem Hormonalabnormalities Infection


4 Brain tumor Alchol reaction Anemia Chemical intoxication Drug interaction Nutritional deficiency vit B12 deficency ,folic acid ,niacin

5 Main types of dementia;
vascular dementia AD vascular dementia: complication of cardiovascular disease inadequate blood supply to brain tissue symptoms of dementia; eitherADor nonAD inteligance person social situation disturbance defect in judgment & abstract thinking slow gradual onset depression repeated the question ,forget the answer lost problem solving approach problem in communication

6 sundown syndrome: group of behavior ccc by confusion ,agitation ,& disruptive action occur late afternoon or evening unknown cause loss of cognitive function associated with social stressor confused irritable agitated box 17-3 gather information from family member about their behavior


8 AD:الزهايمر Affect brain cells ,progressive ,degenerative ,result from impaired in memory thinking, behavior comes after 60yrs ADis part of aging process Cause unknown can live 20 yrs after dx of AD WITH TWO TYPES Early onset Late onset Symptoms & course ; Rule out drug interaction or reaction History Physical examination MSE Skin test Brain MRI Genetic study

9 Gradual death of brain function
Decrease of intellectual function Learning new skills ,require more time & practice Losses of AD: Disjoined speech Difficult to take decision Loss of responsibility Child like behavior Antisocial Labile emotion

10 Some times delusion hallucination
Feeling of paranoia Difficulty dressing grooming ,bathing Increase stress anger feeling ,fatigue ,frustration Every thing seems tobe happening for the first time Fear ,confused ,agitated ,inability to manage stress

11 Stages of AD; EARLY STAGE Intermendiate stage Sever stage
inability to learn loss of recent memory language problem irritability hostility ,agitation ,active in society family report : mood sings ,& strange behavior

12 * intermediate stage; Remote memory affected Aphasia: loss of language
Apraxia:inability to perform daily activity Visual agnosia: loss of recognition familiar people ,object Forgetful Require assistance ( bathing ,toileting ,dressing ,eating Lost sense of time & place Able to walk risk for falling down or accident

13 * sever stage: Inability to do any thing ,incontinent Unable to walk
Dependant on other Loss of recent & remote memory Inability to swallow risk for pneumonia ,malnutrition , Mutism:inability to speak

14 * end stage ; Coma, death ,from pneumonia ,infection ,bed sore
After dx of AD 2-20 yrs can live average 8 yrs Points; Protect client safety Assist him in dressing grooming ,bathing ,ADL Don’t leave him alone Family member support

15 Management of AD; Provide physical & emotional support Drug therapy Vit E Coenzyme Ginkobiloba Music therapy Audiotapes of family member Management stages of AD;

16 Early stage : Maintain mental abilities
Acetylcholine decrease ( cholinesterase inhibitor ) Frequent orientation x3 Calendar

17 Clock large size Personal hygiene Safe environment to avoid falling or injury Compare past & present behavior Environment support ( home 0 Keep environment calm Simple physical exercise :objectives : Maintain balance Induce fatigue & restful sleep Prevent constipation

18 Reduce wandering Middle & late stage focus on: ADL Dementia Communication improvement Social interaction Stress management


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