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Presentation on theme: "SnapComms."— Presentation transcript:

1 SnapComms

2 SnapComms Over 1.1 million users Over 400+ customers in 45+ countries
Used by Fortune 50 companies Enterprise platform, global usage Premium service and support So who is SnapComms? We've got over 1.1 million users now and 350 customers in 45 countries. The majority of our revenues come from overseas because we target large corporates and 60% of that is in the USA. We're in 42 countries and we have currently 40 staff but that's climbing all the time. We have offices in Auckland, London and LA. The company is privately held and we're intentionally bootstrapped, we grow from customer revenues and evolve our product based on customer feedback and we believe that’s the way it should be.

3 Customer Testimonials
“SnapComms enables us to reach more personnel instantaneously where radios or pagers may lose connectivity in some areas of the plant or may have been disabled.” – Major Manufacturing Company SnapComms Overview Video (Double Click image below to play) “We needed something that was flexible, easy to use, that could target the whole organization, parts of it or individuals. If they see an alert they know it is worth reading.” – IT Service Management, Towers Watson “It allows us to get a message out very easily.” “It’s a very good tool. For me it’s a complete no-brainer.” – Global Head of Marketing, Citi Bank

4 So who is SnapComms? We've got over a million users now and 350 customers in 42 countries. The majority of our revenues come from overseas because we target large corporates and 60% of that is in the USA. We're in 42 countries and we have currently 40 staff but that's climbing all the time. We have offices in Auckland, London and LA. The company is privately held and we're intentionally bootstrapped, we grow from customer revenues and evolve our product based on customer feedback and we believe that’s the way it should be. Solid but agile workhorse committed to customer and market led innovation over the long haul versus firework burn and exit “Unicorn”.

5 Positioning SnapComms helps organizations "Get Employee Attention" for important messages and to help organizations measure that attention. SnapComms Head Office OpCo's & Regional Management Business Units Employees in multiple locations SnapComms for: Urgent messages Important messages Where guaranteed readership is important Where readership reporting and acknowledgement is important We are often asked how we are different to Slack and Yammer. As shown in the diagram to the right, Slack and Yammer are used for staff to collaborate together. Our software is used to push information down through the enterprise from different business units or even global headquarters. For example, Vodafone may be looking to send out a product related message to sales staff around the world. Those messages can be targeted, they can be persistent and we can measure how people are interacting with them. So it's for important messages, where guaranteed readership is important.  So in terms of SnapComms, when we say we're an enterprise communication, often people ask us how we're different to Slack and Yammer. Those are collaboration tools which operate across the enterprise, connecting groups of employees. SnapComms is about pushing information down through the enterprise from different business units or even global headquarters. And that's for the really important information that needs to be distributed and the organization needs to know it's been read for either compliance reasons or to reduce risk of operational effectiveness. So for a company like Vodafone for example, it might be product related because they're very sales driven. It can be targeted, those messages can be targeted and they can be persistent and we can measure how people are interacting with them. So it's for important messages, where guaranteed readership is important.  Collaboration tools, e.g. Slack, Yammer

6 Delivery mechanism for any content type
Validation Message supported by Nurture Messages Desktop Alert Ticker Screensaver Desktop Wallpaper Staff Quiz Staff Survey RSVP Invites Video Alerts Desktop Alert – Generally intrusive messages containing mission critical communication Desktop News – Headline news tickers without disrupting work Screensaver – Non intrusive reminders or information during idle time Corporate Desktop Wallpaper – Road side billboard – pass it often enough Internal Newsletters – staff newsletter with user generated content. Aggregated ‘news s’ Staff Quiz – Testing knowledge Staff Survey – Qualitative feedback RSVP – Invitations with Outlook Integration Registration Alert – opt-in to groups

7 How does it work? OR Content Manager Administrator (Sender)
SnapComms Servers SnapComms Client Content Manager OR A Microsoft Installation File (msi) is installed on all employee computers. This acts as the Receiver. Administrator (Sender) Your content is delivered to local software clients from central servers which can either be hosted on SnapComms data center in Toronto or locally hosted (in-house within your organization’s environment). Snap Servers – responsible for the creation, targeting and distribution of content out to the Snap Client. The Snap Servers consist of a SQL Server and Within an organization, authorized people, known as Administrators, have access to the Snap Servers via the Content Manager interface in order to create, target and publish content out to the Snap Clients. Snap Client – software that is installed locally on users’ PCs, initiates regular communications with the Snap Servers and downloads and manages the display of content onto the users’ computer screen. SQL Server relational database management system used for storing and retrieving data. On-premise Server

8 Key Product Attributes
Different visual channels Targeted communications Recurrence and escalation Delivery to mobile devices Campaign tool with compliance validation Detailed reporting Multiple delegated admins Cloud or on-premise Simple to deploy SMS, digital signage, add-ons Comprehensive Knowledge Base Detailed Reporting – Real time reporting that allows you to measure the success of your communication. Targeted Communication – You can target content to specific users, groups, machines or through customized filters. Scheduled Messaging – Can schedule content to be sent at a specific date and time for optimum results.

9 Helping Improve Health & Safety Communication
SnapComms Helping Improve Health & Safety Communication So how is SnapComms typically used in hospitals?

10 Typical pain points for Health & Safety
Reaching all staff not on the network or working remotely What else? Limited Access – images of newsletter, mobile communication, NOTE – discuss how we do not require to run SnapComms client. Shared Devices - ______ Reaching mobile staff – images of mobile communication. NOTE – discuss mobile communication notes Shift Workers (be more particular about the pain point here) Multiple Systems ((be more particular about the pain point here)

11 Reach Remote Staff and Staff not on the network
No Need for Reach Remote staff via mobile Communication Further Information

12 Typical pain points for Health & Safety
Reaching all staff not on the network or working remotely Fast communication to all staff members at short notice Ensuring staff are informed of H&S messages in a timely manner. What else? Limited Access – images of newsletter, mobile communication, NOTE – discuss how we do not require to run SnapComms client. Shared Devices - ______ Reaching mobile staff – images of mobile communication. NOTE – discuss mobile communication notes Shift Workers (be more particular about the pain point here) Multiple Systems ((be more particular about the pain point here)

13 Fast Communication at Short Notice with Quick Publish
Publish content to targeted users in 3 clicks.

14 Typical pain points for Health & Safety
Reaching all staff not on the network or working remotely Fast communication to all staff members at short notice Ensuring staff are informed of H&S issues in a timely manner. Attendance and reinforcement of training sessions What else? Limited Access – images of newsletter, mobile communication, NOTE – discuss how we do not require to run SnapComms client. Shared Devices - ______ Reaching mobile staff – images of mobile communication. NOTE – discuss mobile communication notes Shift Workers (be more particular about the pain point here) Multiple Systems ((be more particular about the pain point here)

15 Improve Attendance & Reinforce Training
Quiz tool to reinforce training RSVP Alerts to encourage attendance Further Information

16 Typical pain points for Health & Safety
Reaching all staff not on the network or working remotely Fast communication to all staff members at short notice Ensuring staff are informed of H&S issues in a timely manner. Attendance and reinforcement of training sessions Encouraging the adoption of new processes and impacting the behaviour of staff around H&S. What else? Limited Access – images of newsletter, mobile communication, NOTE – discuss how we do not require to run SnapComms client. Shared Devices - ______ Reaching mobile staff – images of mobile communication. NOTE – discuss mobile communication notes Shift Workers (be more particular about the pain point here) Multiple Systems ((be more particular about the pain point here)

17 Adopting new process and system changes
Scrolling Ticker tool Pop up Survey tool Interactive screensaver messaging tool Impact Culture – When communicating Health & Safety messages you don’t just want to get the message across but you also want it to contribute towards changing the organisation’s culture and behaviour around Health and Safety. Through using the different SnapComms tools you can create a campaign that will raise awareness and develop a culture around Health and Safety in the workplace.

18 Typical pain points for Health & Safety
Reaching all staff not on the network or working remotely Fast communication to all staff members at short notice Ensuring staff are informed of H&S issues in a timely manner. Attendance and reinforcement of training sessions Encouraging the adoption of new processes and impacting the behaviour of staff around H&S. Ability to measure readership of H&S messages. What else? Limited Access – images of newsletter, mobile communication, NOTE – discuss how we do not require to run SnapComms client. Shared Devices - ______ Reaching mobile staff – images of mobile communication. NOTE – discuss mobile communication notes Shift Workers (be more particular about the pain point here) Multiple Systems ((be more particular about the pain point here)

19 Measure Readership of Messages
Learn and Improve Communications Quiz & Survey Results Set the Scene = When communicating with staff it can be difficult to determine whether your piece of content or campaign was successfully communicated. With the SnapComms tools you are provided with live reporting that provides countless amounts of detail allowing you to see how successful your content was. Measure success of communications = As mentioned, it is often very difficult to measure whether your communication was successful or not. With the SnapComms tools you have the ability to measure how successful your communication was through the live reporting. Learn and Improve Communications = As you are provided with live reporting on the success of your message, you can see what has worked well and what has not worked then implement this knowledge into new messages you are sending out to staff. Quiz & Survey Results = The Quiz and Survey tools allow you to gather feedback from staff, reinforce training and identify areas that staff need further training. With the reporting functionality, all of this information is brought together for you to review the results. Included in the report Who has read the content When they read it How long was it open for How many recurrences did it take before being read? How many of the URL’s were clicked on? Response Rates Who responded, who didn’t respond .... And many others. Key Product Attribute Page

20 Add ons available: Digital signage extension Send to SMS Send to email
API integration & with other systems Back to Key Product Attribute Page

21 Demonstration

22 Next steps Engage wider team IT discussion and approval
“I appreciate the support I received today! It was a huge help in a tight time frame.” Engage wider team IT discussion and approval Trial / proof of concept / Customization Purchase and deploy On-boarding On-going training and world class support “I received a call from the Helpdesk today in the morning. Because of 13 hours time difference this was not expected from me. And they had reviewed my questions before they called me and had a solution on their hands” “Leaving this feedback because I was extremely satisfied with the SnapComms team and their response to the situation at hand. Thank you SnapComms!” “I've received nothing but excellent support from the sales and technical staff at SnapComms.” Engage Wider Team – Speak with and demonstrate SnapComms software to the rest of the team involved in the decision making process. IT discussion and approval – Speak with IT to get their approval for SnapComms. (Can setup meeting with SnapComms team to discuss concerns and questions). Trial / proof of concept – Conduct a pilot testing that the software meets needs. Purchase and deploy – (With the assistance of Technical support if required) On-boarding – Accounts team will run through on boarding with you. On-going training and support – Account Management team will provide you with training around the software. Customer Support team will always be there for you if you require assistance. “Product accomplished the tasks it was made to do. Support from SnapComms is exceptional.” What is your usual process?

23 Pricing Branded templates are included in purchase
Cloud Hosted Pricing Locally Hosted Pricing Small Business Pricing Branded templates are included in purchase 1 hours Training included in purchase On Boarding included Branded templates – Included in your purchase you will have branded templates developed. This involves putting your branding on an already existing template design. Further customized of templates can be provided but will incur additional costs. Training – Training is also included as part of your purchase. On Boarding – Once purchased, Account Management team will assist you in implementing SnapComms.

24 Value to other Departments

25 Internal Communications Manager
Communicating with all employees. Attendance and reinforcement of training sessions. Drive and measure traffic to the intranet. Measuring communication effectiveness. The ability to gather real time employee feedback. Existing engagement channels offer limited appeal to employees. Achieving high attendance of “Town Hall” meetings and readership of executive communication. Ability to communicate company wide scheduled and adhoc events. Achieving high readership of all corporate messages (Non IC).

26 Helpdesk Manager Reaching all staff not on the network or working remotely. Reaching all staff when is unavailable. Fast communication to all staff members at short notice. Proactively communicate planned and unplanned system events to all staff. Impacting staff behaviour and awareness of security issues and system events. Attendance and reinforcement of training sessions. Establish positive interactions between IT and other staff/departments. Limited Access – images of newsletter, mobile communication, NOTE – discuss how we do not require to run SnapComms client. Shared Devices - ______ Reaching mobile staff – images of mobile communication. NOTE – discuss mobile communication notes Shift Workers (be more particular about the pain point here) Multiple Systems ((be more particular about the pain point here)

27 Product Manager Communicating with remote staff.
Fast communication to all staff members at short notice (Product recall, product advisories). Attendance and reinforcement of training sessions Maintain consistent and regular product information organisation wide. Communicating product launch material Build awareness of impending product launches Communicate quick wins post launch. Ensuring consistent product knowledge (organization wide). Fast feedback/correction of organisation knowledge. Measured readership of executive and corporate communication. Limited Access – images of newsletter, mobile communication, NOTE – discuss how we do not require to run SnapComms client. Shared Devices - ______ Reaching mobile staff – images of mobile communication. NOTE – discuss mobile communication notes Shift Workers (be more particular about the pain point here) Multiple Systems ((be more particular about the pain point here)

28 Sales Manager Reaching all staff not on the network or working remotely Attendance and reinforcement of training sessions Maintaining a high level of product knowledge through the sales team. Communicating Project wins to all staff/sales staff Ensuring visibility of achievement versus target. Encouraging competition within the sales team. Organisation wide consistent sales message. Preparing and building sales team awareness prior to and during product launch phases. Measured readership of executive and corporate communication.

29 Thank You (Indicating that we will now go forward and run through a demonstration of the tools)

30 Supporting Slides (Indicating that we will now go forward and run through a demonstration of the tools)

31 Educate Staff 80% training forgotten if not reinforced
SnapComms Quiz tool Collects responses Identify weak areas Set the scene = Educating staff is vastly important for any organisation but training sessions are not enough to achieve good results. Statistics show that 80% of what is learnt in training sessions is often forgotten if not reinforced. Quiz tool = Through the SnapComms Quiz tool you are able to ask staff multiple choice questions, yes or no questions as well as open answered questions; helping to reinforce Health and Safety messages and greater educate and train your staff. Collects Responses = Through the SnapComms software the reporting functionality will bring together all of the responses from your staff. This makes it incredibly easy to assess the results from the Quiz. Identify Weak areas = As the reporting functionality of the Quiz brings together the Quiz results you are able to assess the results and identify weak areas that staff need to improve their knowledge. You can also allow staff members to see their Quiz results so they are aware of the areas that they need to improve on. This enables you to improve the knowledge of staff around Health and Safety. Improve Attendance and Reinforce Training Page

32 Reach Mobile Staff High Readership Fast Communication
Guardian Group Example Set the scene = Often very difficult to communicate Health & Safety messages with distributed staff members. They don’t regularly have access to s, they may see the when it is too late or know longer relevant and you are unsure whether they have read the or not. Higher Readership = The majority of staff have regular access to their mobile devices, therefore sending a SnapComms message to the users mobile device is more likely to be read in comparison to sending an . This will therefore raise the awareness of Health and Safety amongst out of office staff. Fast Communication = Through mobile communication you can communicate important information with field staff incredibly quickly. This keeps staff informed and up to date with company wide Health and Safety information. Guardian Group Example – Guardian Group is a financial services organization founded over 165 years ago with 2,800 staff distributed between seven countries. A number of the staff members speak different languages and 900 of the staff members are deemed as field agents. Through the SnapComms tools they were able to effectively communicate with their distributed staff keeping them up to date with information, increase readership of important content, reduce volumes, develop internal campaigns motivating staff and communicating progress updates. (Case Study - Key Product Attribute Page Reach Remote Staff Page

33 Targeted Communications
Target Office Departments, Mobile Staff, and certain individuals. Target Via Users & Groups Machine Based Targeting Naming Conventions Set the Scene = With the SnapComms tools you can target users in a number of different methods, allowing you to target the exact users that you want to send content to. Targeting = with the SnapComms tools you can target users via… Users & Groups – You can target who you want to send content to via users and/or groups. This enables you to target staff based on department, mobile staff, area in the office or any other groups you wish. Machine Based Targeting – Along with targeting users you can also target machines. This enables you to send content to specific machines irrelevant of who is logged into the machine at the time. If a user is logged in then they will receive content that is relevant to them as a user as well as any content that is targeted to that specific machine. For example, if a Health and Safety message was relevant only to people on one level of the building then you can target just the machines on that level. Naming Conventions – You can also target who to send content to via naming conventions. This can prove especially valuable when machines and users throughout the organisation have a specific naming convention. For example, each individual departments devices may have their own naming convention of which you can target them by. Back to Key Product Attribute Page

34 Why the SnapComms Campaign Tool?
Customer feedback pointed us to develop a campaign based tool A campaign is a bundle of messages around the same compliance topic - usually containing a validation item bundled with nurture communications The nurture items deliver education and awareness messages The validation item requires the employee to comply, acknowledge or validate understanding Compliance status of the targeted employees is available real-time Key Product Attribute Page

35 Campaign Calendar Uses
Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

36 Day 1 Invitation Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

37 Day 2 Cartoon and Article
Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

38 Day 4 Screensaver Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

39 Day 5 Video Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

40 Day 6 Wallpaper reminder
Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

41 Day 7 – 9am Ticker reminder
Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

42 Day 7 – Take away resource
Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

43 Day 7 –Commitment Form Default Publishing Options Uses
Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

44 Day 8 – Campaign Results Uses
Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

45 Escalate Advanced Publishing Options Uses
Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

46 Day 10 – Drip campaign - Screensaver
Uses Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

47 Day 10 – Drip campaign Uses
Communicate mission critical announcements – outages, security threats Send time sensitive announcements such as mergers, resignations, appointments Advertise an easy to ignore Intranet – signpost to new or important intranet content Tool for senior management to send messages to and stay connected front line staff who may be widely distributed geographically

48 SnapComms Campaign Tool - Screenshots

49 Campaigns

50 Create a Campaign

51 Editing Validation Item

52 Create Nurture Item

53 Campaign Items

54 + + + + + + + Commercials Commercials Validation Any 2 Channels
Available as 3 or 6 tool package + Any 2 Channels + Validation + All 5 Channels + + Validation + +

55 Campaigns A Campaign consist of a set of messages:
Typically one validation item – usually towards the end of the campaign Supported by numerous ‘nurture’ items 4 preconfigured campaign types based on certain scenarios Compulsory Comply – reader has no option but to agree / comply / acknowledge Option to Comply – reader can choose not to comply Validation – validate the reader’s knowledge and obtain commitment Nurture only – educational / informational communications

56 Campaign Planning Prepare and assemble your campaign content
Determine your required outcome then select a Scenario to match – Compulsory Comply, Option to Comply, Validate Understanding or Information only? Determine you timeline – when does the campaign start and end? Map your Campaign materials to a Calendar Upload your content to the SnapComms Content Manager Schedule and Publish Measure Compliance Status Your content is delivered to local software clients from central servers which can either be hosted on SnapComms data center in Toronto or locally hosted (in-house within your organization’s environment). Snap Servers – responsible for the creation, targeting and distribution of content out to the Snap Client. The Snap Servers consist of a SQL Server and Within an organization, authorized people, known as Administrators, have access to the Snap Servers via the Content Manager interface in order to create, target and publish content out to the Snap Clients. Snap Client – software that is installed locally on users’ PCs, initiates regular communications with the Snap Servers and downloads and manages the display of content onto the users’ computer screen. SQL Server relational database management system used for storing and retrieving data.

57 Cloud Hosted Pricing (Cloud Hosting Prices) Pricing Home Page

58 Locally Hosted Pricing
Pricing Home Page

59 Small Business Pricing
Pricing Home Page

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