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Regional Employment / Unemployment

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Employment / Unemployment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Employment / Unemployment

2 Structure of my talk Change from second-quarter LFS results to LFS annual averages More detailed LFS tables and new LFS tables in New Cronos Limits (thresholds) for absolute LFS estimates

3 Change from second-quarter LFS results to LFS annual averages
Major reform of regional labour market statistics in 2003 Labour Force Survey − LFS LFS data now available for all quarters and almost all EU and AC countries

4 How were the LFS annual averages calculated?
Down to NUTS level 2 NUTS level 3 unemployed economically active population unemployment rate Annual averages calculated from 1999 onwards

5 More detailed LFS tables and new LFS tables
theme1 General Statistics regio Regional statistics

6 regio Regional statistics
lfs-r Community labour force survey – annual average, from 1999 unemp Unemployment – annual average, from 1999 lfs-r-q2 Community labour force survey – second quarter, up to 2001 unemp-q2 Unemployment – second quarter, up to 2001

7 LFS tables with more detailed breakdowns (data series from 1999 onwards)
Economically active population by age and sex  annual average Economic activity rates by age and sex  annual average Employed persons by age and sex  annual average Population by age and sex (15 years and over)  annual average

8 age AGE AND AGE CLASSES total Total y15_24 Between 15 and 24 years
y25_max 25 years and over y25_34 Between 25 and 34 years y35_44 Between 35 and 44 years y45_54 Between 45 and 54 years y15_64 Between 15 and 64 years y25_64 Between 25 and 64 years y55_64 Between 55 and 64 years y65_max 65 years and over

9 LFS tables with more detailed breakdowns (data series from 1999 onwards)
Employment rates by age and sex  annual average

10 age AGE AND AGE CLASSES total Total y15_24 Between 15 and 24 years
y25_max 25 years and over y25_34 Between 25 and 34 years y35_44 Between 35 and 44 years y45_54 Between 45 and 54 years y15_64 Between 15 and 64 years y25_64 Between 25 and 64 years y55_64 Between 55 and 64 years y65_max 65 years and over

11 Full-time and part-time employment  annual average
LFS tables with more detailed breakdowns (data series from 1999 onwards) Full-time and part-time employment  annual average ft_pt WORKING TIME (full/part-time) total Total pt Part-time nresp No response

12 New LFS tables (data series from 1999 onwards)
Economically active population by level of education, age and sex  annual average Employed persons by level of education, age and sex  annual average Population by level of education, age and sex  annual average

13 sex SEX t Total m Males f Females age AGE AND AGE CLASSES total Total y25_64 Between 25 and 64 years

14 isced97 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF EDUCATION (ISCED) total Total (ISCED 1997) isced0_2 Pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education - levels 0-2 (ISCED 1997) isced3_4 Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education - levels 3-4 (ISCED 1997) isced5_6 Tertiary education - levels 5-6 (ISCED 1997) nresp No answer

15 New LFS tables (data series from 1999 onwards)
Employment by professional status  annual average wstatus EMPLOYMENT status emp Employment sal Employees

16 New LFS tables (data series from 1999 onwards)
Commuting in NUTS2 regions  annual average wrkplace WORKPLACE same_reg Working in the same region oth_reg Working in another region nresp No answer

17 New LFS tables (data series from 1999 onwards)
Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job (full time)  annual average

18 New LFS tables (data series from 1999 onwards)
Life-long learning  Adult participation in education and training (25-64 years)  annual average lll LIFE-LONG LEARNING Participation in life-long learning no_lll No participation in life-long learning nresp No answer total Total

19 LFS limits (thresholds) for absolute estimates
National level Limit (threshold) A - from 500 (Cyprus, Slovenia) to (Germany) Limit (threshold) B - from (Luxembourg, Cyprus) to (Poland)

20 LFS limits (thresholds) for absolute estimates
Regional level Limit (threshold) A Harmonisation of limits limits with the same relative standard errors from all countries by the end of 2004

21 Thank you very much for your co-operation.
Comments and questions please

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