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Promotions to Senior Lecturer Briefing Sessions January 2019

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1 Promotions to Senior Lecturer Briefing Sessions January 2019
Prof John O’Halloran Deputy President & Registrar

2 Introduction Committee to Review Academic Promotions established to revise academic promotion schemes in UCC Reviewed procedure, process and outcomes National and international benchmarking exercise Consultation with various stakeholders Committee drafted a detailed Report containing its recommendations Recommendations informed the Regulations Regulations on academic promotions approved by UMTO, AC and GB in December 2018 Up to 40 promotional posts are available for the 2018/2019 call for promotion to Senior Lecturer

3 Two-step online application procedure
Introduction of a two stage process with shortlisting and provision for feedback Identification of essential criteria at Expression of Interest/ Shortlisting stage Alignment with the criteria for appointment, and greater consistency and clarity of processes from initial appointment to the University through to progression and promotion Easing of the burden on an applicant and facilitates career planning for unsuccessful applicants

4 Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
Commitment to Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Athena SWAN Action Plan recommendations incorporated: 4.1-1 Gender monitoring - In progression, promotion and retention processes Gender audit of criteria for key recruitment and progression/promotion processes Require minimum 40% representation of underrepresented gender on promotions boards (UCC has 60% female representation on the Senior Lecturer Promotions Board and uses inclusive language when describing promotions boards. Mandatory gender equality training for all promotions board members (LPEB, P(S2)B), and for Heads of Schools managing promotions applications Revised guidelines on how leave and part-time working is taken into account in progression/ promotion and recruitment decisions

5 Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
Auditing and revision of the promotional criteria with consideration of Athena Swan best practice Provision to allow for inclusion of Statutory Leave using the Promotion Scheme Leave Form Promotions Boards to reflect diversity within the academic community Gender Taskforce Equality Action Plan recommendations: Measures in place to encourage female academics to apply for promotion ( it is recognised that they are underrepresented) Gender equality and unconscious bias training for Heads of School Briefing sessions for academics Commitment to monitor and report outcomes of each round to UMTO

6 Enhanced Criteria Enhanced and expanded criteria under each heading- benchmarked against national and international HEIs Criteria reflect the breadth and diversity within and across disciplines and variety in outputs Significance of impact which is now provided for and assessed under both Research and Innovation, and Teaching and Learning A broader conception of Contribution to Academic Citizenship and Engagement (previously Contribution), reflects both the changing nature and role of the academic mission and the strategic importance of engagement for the University and community, both nationally and internationally UCC’s commitment to Internationalisation and other strategic goals are reflected in criteria

7 Enhanced criteria- Clinical and Practice Academics
Separate criteria and complex marking scheme for Clinical Academics has been eliminated from Scheme Criteria to facilitate Clinical Academics are now embedded in the revised scheme Following an extensive consultation process throughout the University, Practice Academics are now provided for through inclusion of criteria developed and embedded under all headings, facilitating a promotional pathway to Senior Lecturer for these ‘non-traditional’ academics

8 Portfolios required for all 3 headings of criteria
Three portfolios at Full Application stage, to document achievements and to provide supporting evidence for the claims made in the application These portfolios are; 1. Research and Innovation (maximum 20 pages) 2. Teaching and Learning (maximum 20 pages) 3. Contribution to Academic Citizenship and Engagement (maximum 10 pages)

9 Promotion in Exceptional Circumstances
Enables the University to respond to strategic needs and exceptional opportunity through retaining staff and avoiding loss of talent through robust provision within all the schemes for promotion in exceptional circumstances (in accordance with normal criteria). Subject to assessment by the relevant Board and is without prejudice to places to be made available for the next promotion round Normal criteria and promotions process will apply

10 Other Changes Change in composition of the promotions boards, e.g. GB appointed members replaced by one nominee (internal or external) of the President Change in selection process for External Experts/ Reviewers -Less complex to shorten process and make more efficient Promotion now to take effect one month after approval and signing of recommendation by President Calls to issue every two years, with the exception of frontloaded calls in 2018/19 and 2019/20 Enhanced role for Head of School Competitive process solely- removal of combined benchmarks and marking system Up to 50% of promotional posts to be allocated equally across the 4 Colleges Appeals process clarified


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