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Replacement Trends In AgSource Herds

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1 Replacement Trends In AgSource Herds
Ron Curran, Manager Market Development

2 What We’ll Cover… What is “culling”
Good culling Bad culling AgSource data on cows leaving herd – based on herd sizes What AgSource is doing to measure herd replacement dynamics Your suggestions

3 Why Cull or Replace? Replace an economically unprofitable animal with a more profitable animal No “ideal” replacement rate Some culling is profitable If genetic program is working, your heifers should, as a group, have the highest genetic potential in a herd If producer is to make progress, needs to identify poor producers and replace

4 Unprofitable Culling Generally, early lactation – cow or heifer is at her highest value and she gets “broken” Not reflected in rolling herd average (culled before making any effect), but hugely detrimental to profitability if done frequently

5 Technically… All culling done because of low production
A cow has a 3,000,000 SCC and milks 90#/ day and is kept. SCC drops to 2,500,000 and production to 50# and she is culled A cow is open at 400 days milking 80#, confirmed pregnant at 450 days and drops to 50# and is culled

6 What AgSource Measures…
Heifers entering the herd Cows entering the herd Heifers leaving the herd Cows leaving the herd I am concentrating on heifers and cows leaving, eliminate the “noise” of herds expanding if using animals entering data

7 What AgSource Data Shows
Source: AgSource Dec Data

8 What This Data Shows? “Heifers Leaving” and “Cows Leaving” rates are very similar across the board Larger differences within herd size groups than between Heifers Leaving High 9.13% for herds cows Low % for herds <25 cows Cows Leaving High 30.41% for herds <25 cows Low 27.35% for herds cows

9 Heifers and Cows Entering
Source: AgSource Dec Data Larger herds are expanding, adding more animals – not a problem in so far as examining culling and replacement programs This demand is increasing value of replacements, however

10 Where Our Challenges Are!
This is BAD!!!

11 What AgSource Is Doing Including previous graph in Herd Summary Report – late summer 2003 Using 30 day intervals Splitting bar, heifers and later lactation animals will be shown separately Producer’s can’t manage early lactation culling if they can’t measure it!

12 July 2003 Herd Summary Report Changes

13 WisGraph Information

14 Challenges Ahead… “Dairies don’t need DHI production information to make culling decisions because cows cull themselves.” We need to reduce involuntary culling to raise the value of our production information Two cows each milking 20,000 pounds: 3.0% fat 2.7% protein $1,762 4.0% fat 3.1% protein $2,130 Hard to sell the value of this information

15 Next - Your Suggestions
What do you think… How can we help our members make more money replacing animals in their herds? What can we do together to achieve this goal?


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