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Primary Newsletter – Friday 21st September 2018

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1 Primary Newsletter – Friday 21st September 2018
NEW RECEPTION WELCOME ASSEMBLY Parents, carers and families of our new reception children are invited to a special welcome assembly, led by the children’s new Year 5 buddies on Friday 28th September. Please arrive at the main academy reception to be signed in and seated for a prompt 2pm start. NSPCC As you are aware from a letter sent home this week, we are having two assemblies run by the NSPCC on Tuesday. If you have any questions about these assemblies, please do not hesitate to ask. END OF THE DAY Please can we remind you that at the end of the day please do not use the vehicle entrance to enter or leave the premises on foot. There is a designated pedestrian entrance and exit which is used to ensure that our children and their families are safe. MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING On Friday 28th September (next week!) we are hosting our annual coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan. Parents, carers and families will be invited to our coffee morning between 9am and 9.30am in the primary hall, and we will then invite children and their teachers at different points throughout the morning. For this to be a real success, we rely on the generosity of our parents, carers and community. If you are able to donate cakes for your children to bring in on Friday morning, this would be most appreciated. If any cakes are home made by the children (with a little adult supervision!), please label with your child’s class and house for it to be entered into a ‘House Bake Off’ judged by the school council. Please can you also send your children in with any small change you have to put towards our charity collection on the day. Many thanks for your support. Calling all year 5 and 6 families... come along to our fantastic open evening on Tuesday 25th September from 4:30pm-7:30pm. There will be a huge range of exciting and interactive activities for your child to get involved in giving them a taste of what the next step of their learning journey will be like.  Ms Baldwin will be giving a talk at 5:30pm and 6:30pm informing all of our visitors of our amazing results this year.  KINDNESS– QUOTE OF THE WEEK "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

2 Class: Tigers Let Your Light Shine Class: Lions Class: Panthers
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 28th September McMillan Coffee Morning New Reception Welcome Assembly Thursday 4th October Phonics workshop for reception and year 1 parents 9am and 2.45pm Friday 5th October Jaguar Class (6E) Assembly 2pm Wednesday 10th October Reception 2019 Open Morning Friday 12th October Lion Class (4/5) Assembly 2pm Thursday 18th October Year 2 SATs Meeting Friday 19th October Panther Class (3E) Assembly 2pm 22nd -26th October Half Term – School Closed Monday 29th October Back to school STAR OF THE WEEK Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week’ for working really hard on one of our learning characteristics: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children for being chosen for Bumblebee Thiago Tiger Kieran Dragonflly Shiyanna Lion Derek Butterfly Levi Wolf George Ladybird Dani Jaguar Tatiana Panther Amalia Eagle Olivia Cheetah Temitope ATTENDANCE CUP WINNER PUNCTUALITY PANDA WINNER Class: Panthers Class: Lions and Dragonfly BEST ATTENDANCE HOUSE: Mandela House GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school. GOSPEL CORNER In this week’s Gospel, Jesus tells His Apostles about His forthcoming Passion and Resurrection. Unfortunately, the men do not understand Him. Instead, they argue and focus on who among them is the greatest. Seeing their pride, Christ teaches them about humility and servitude by saying that those who want to be first, must be last, and the servant of all. We must remember that those who are called “great” have an obligation to help, lead, and serve others. Dragonflly Zachary Tiger Eldi Butterfly Josue Lion Sheena Ladybird Chaniya Wolf Elisa Panther Precillia Jaguar Tiana Cheetah Ayman Eagle Shameemah Class of the Week. For having the most children wearing the correct school uniform. Class: Tigers Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley

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