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Review Session: Chapter 2.

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1 Review Session: Chapter 2

2 Exam will cover Chapter 2 only
28 True/false questions 10 Multiple Choice questions 1 essay

3 T/F All members of a team are responsible for leadership.
Leadership behavior influences the processes in achieving goals. Leadership is important to group and individual success. Praising group members is an example of transactional leadership.

4 T/F Examining ethical aspects of group conclusions is an example of leading through task processes. Ethical issues relate to value judgment concerning right and wrong. The legalists view of ethics says if an act is legal, it is also moral.

5 T/F Credibility involves what a person is perceived to be.
Dialogical ethics requires all team members to exercise leadership to ensure members show respect for one another. Improving personal leadership involves credibility and building confidence.

6 T/F According to the authors, dialogical ethics requires all members to exercise leadership to ensure respect. Leadership is the role of all group members. Leadership abilities can be developed. Employers are highly interested in leadership abilities.

7 T/F One important task role is to help the team examine the quality and ethicality of its information. Cultures perceive credibility differently. In exercising leadership you may have to help others overcome obstacles. In a positive communication climate, people agree with one another.

8 T/F If the communication climate is defensive, it can be changed.
Positive climates allow people to be comfortable and involved in team processes. Positive climate are open, supportive and rewarding.

9 T/F Negative climates create and are created by defensiveness and hostility. Groupware uses computer technology o meet in the same room or from various sites. Corporation regularly use groupware. Videoconferencing capabilities can be found in many corporations.

10 M/C A team loses when people are “boxed by stereotyping and habits because team members feel excluded, the team loses a resource, the leadership is incomplete.

11 MC An ethical dilemma occurs when it is necessary to apply standards and make decisions between two real choices with differing values of good and bad.

12 MC A group member’s leadership should focus on ethical concerns for many reasons except to be sure that his or her personal ethical position always dominates those of other members.

13 MC The aspect of a person’s credibility that focuses on his or her knowledge of the subject or research preparation is called competence.

14 MC Using visualization and self-talk to improve leadership abilities involves forming mental images of your successful behavior.

15 MC Specific interactions that focus on the job at hand are known as task processes.

16 MC The aspect of a person’s credibility that focuses on his or her knowledge of the subject or research preparation is competence.

17 MC When you make decisions on the basis of morality or goodness-badness, you are making a decision based on ethics.

18 MC Coordination is the factor of credibility that starts with common interests that bring a group together, but goes beyond that to members seeing you as caring about them and seeing your values and attitudes are similar to theirs.

19 MC If you want to develop your leadership abilities, it is a good idea to consciously develop the qualities of trustworthiness, competence, objectivity, and dynamism; find ways to be coordinated with others; look at issues from ethical perspectives.

20 Essay Select a specific career or job position. Identify some specific behaviors of team leadership that you believe relate to the success in that area. Explain the relationship between the behaviors and work performance. In developing your answer, include issues of leadership roles, ethics, and responsibility based on suggestions from the authors.

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