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Aspen Class Year 6 6 I Welcome to Aspen Class !

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1 Aspen Class Year 6 6 I Welcome to Aspen Class !
Mrs Norman Mrs Craft Miss White Literacy. This term we begin with a text about an Ice Forest where we will focus on setting and creating atmosphere and then move onto looking at poetry about weather. We will also be working very hard on Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar in preparation for the SATS. Our PE day changes to Tuesday this term and the class will be taken by Mr Davies. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing for indoor or outdoor PE and that every item of clothing is labelled. Aspen Class Year 6 6 I In Science we are looking at Evolution and inheritance which will be covered in depth during our week long Into University trip. Our Topic until Easter is a geography topic is Extreme Earth. If you have any resources, books or materials or first hand experiences you would like to share with the class that you think will enrich our topic please send them in. Year 6 Maths will include revision and deepening of topics covered lower down the school as well as increasing speed and skills at written arithmetic. The children will work on solving and explaining problems as well as multiplying fractions and working with decimals and solving measures questions. Homework will be sent home on a Thursday and is due back in the following Monday. Merits will be awarded for excellent homework. Anyone not handing in homework without a valid excuse (e.g. illness)will be required to complete on a Monday lunch time. There will be important SATs revision this term. There is a weekly homework club 3-4pm on a Thursday if your child needs support to complete homework and this term it will be run by the Year 6 teachers.

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