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powering load by energy harvester with TPS60311

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1 powering load by energy harvester with TPS60311
C1F C2F SW1 on>1.3V off<1.1V Iinaverage =167uA TPS60311 3.0V Vin OUT2 Cin CL 1uF 10uF 100uF RL: 3.75k or 76k ohm* max.1.5V * 3.75kohm=1msec in every 70msec 76kohm= the rest of the time a energy harvester (secret for the detail) problem: when using with recommended value(Cin=C1F=C2F=CL=1uF), inrush current had occurred at TPS60311 input and could not output 3.0V. question: 1. To avoid generating inrush current, what value should we choose for Cin,C1F,C2F ? CL has three cases, 1uF, 10uF, 100uF and RL changing periodic. Can we get any formula for calculating these capacitor values in case of another CL and RL. Same purpose as 2. , could you provide Spice model of TPS60311 ?

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