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Presentation on theme: "ANTI-BULLYING PROCEDURE"— Presentation transcript:

A Collaborative Effort: Guidance, Pupil Personnel, Grad Coaches, Teen Pep Advisors, Officer Michalski, & Administration

2 Definition Bullying: A pattern of behavior by one or more students with the purpose of embarrassing, humiliating, or threatening the target student

Harassing, hazing, intimidating and/or bullying behavior by any student/school personnel in the District is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school Teachers and other school staff who witness acts of harassment, hazing, intimidation and/or bullying, as defined above, promptly notify the building principal/designee of the event observed, and promptly file a written incident report concerning the events witnessed

4 Types Direct Physical or verbal assaults such as hitting, kicking, punching, threatening, and humiliating. Physical and verbal bullying are the most commonly reported types of bullying. Physical bullying is more prominent among males.

5 Types Indirect Intimidating someone through exclusion, spreading rumors, mocking victims culture, disability, sexual orientation, and insulting through text messaging or ing. Relational bullying is often seen as less harmful than physical bullying. It’s more covert and not as easy to prove. Relational bullying usually carried out by females.

6 Bullies Characteristics include: Physically advantaged
Higher social status Good at identifying weaknesses in others May have been a bullied at one time Aggressive Low self esteem?

7 Victims Characteristics include: Shy, passive, submissive Disabled
Sensitive Withdrawn Anxious Insecure Unhappy (Olweus, 2003)

8 Short/Long Term Effects
School absenteeism Skipping Somatic symptoms Headaches Stomach aches Mental health illness Anxiety Depression Suicidal ideation/suicide Low self esteem School conduct problems Disciplinary issues Dislike of school More likely to be involved in criminal/court activity. More likely to bring a weapon to school. Mental health illness. Victims Bullies

DATE________________________ VICTIM________________________ TIME________________________ ________________________ PLACE_______________________ AGGRESSOR/S_________________ REPORTER___________________ _______________________________ INCIDENT (please provide details, include who was involved, all known witnesses, and injuries)_________________________________________________________________  INTERVENTION: Warning ________ Parent Notified Y/N Intent to Suspend _________ Policy letter Y/N School Disciplinary Actions _______________________________________________ Criminal Actions _________________________________________________________ I understand the harassment policy at Waite H.S. and am aware of the consequences that could transpire should this continue. ______________________________ ________________________________ Student Signature/Date Staff Signature/Date Copies To: Dean_______________ Referring Staff:________ Counselor:____________

The definition of harassment, hazing, intimidation and/or bullying means any intentional written, verbal, graphic or physical acts, including electronically transmitted acts, either overt or covert, by a student or group of students toward other students/school personnel with the intent to haze, harass, intimidate, injure, threaten, ridicule or humiliate. Examples of hazing, harassment, intimidation or bullying can include: physical violence or attacks; threats, taunts and intimidation through words or gestures; extortion, damage, or stealing of money and/or possessions; exclusion from the peer group or spreading rumors; repetitive and hostile behavior with the intent to harm others through the use of information and communication technologies and other web-based/online sites such as the following: posting slurs on web sites; sending abusive or threatening s and instant messages; using camera phones to take embarrassing photographs or videos of students and distributing or posting them; using web sites, social networking sites etc. to circulate gossip and rumors to other students.

11 Waite High School Bullying Survey
Have you ever been bullied? Yes (51%) No (49%) Did you report the bullying to anyone? Yes (10%) No (85%) N/A-(5%) Is bullying a problem at Waite High School? Yes (65%) No (32%) Not sure (3%) If there was a way to anonymously report bullying would you do so? Yes (87%) No (13%)

12 Comments by Waite Students
How did the Bullying act make you feel? Sad….Horrible……Unhappy - 23 Bad….Terrible….Mad - 16 Angry – 10 Depressed – 5

13 Comments by Waite Students
Who did you report to and what action was taken? Teacher – 14 Parent – 9 Dean – 6 No One – 3 An adult – 3 Counselor - 1

14 Comments by Waite Students
What can you do to stop bullying? Tell an Adult – 53 Stand up for people – 25 Speak up and say something – 8 Stop Them - 8

15 Comments by Waite Students
What do you think the staff at WHS can do to stop bullying? Keep an eye out for it…stop ignoring it – 20 Suspend…expel….discipline – 19 Have Programs – 13 Consequences - 9

16 Conclusion Key points Incidents of bullying are occurring at Waite High School. Every student has the right to feel safe and be respected at school. Teachers, parents, and students must play an active role in listening, reporting, documenting, and protecting. The guidance staff will be visiting freshman – junior classrooms to update students on the Anti-Bullying policy. The counselors, deans, and administrators are available for assistance if needed.


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