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Dealing With Difficult People

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1 Dealing With Difficult People
Micheal Graham Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 Transportation Department

2 DP Personality Traits Chronic Complainers – never seem to be satisfied
Blamers – buck never stops here One Uppers – low confidence or low self esteem Tanks – explosive or combative. Looking for a fight, brings out the worst in everything

3 Bullying – unwanted, aggressive behavior toward an individual that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time Linda F. Bluth

4 Difficult People - Effects
Requires time & energy Can cause resentment Physical effects Increase BP Anxiety Fragmented sleep pattern 45% of people targeted by a bully, experience stress-related health problems. Including debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, and clinical depression Zogby Study

5 Empathy is…. ‘Under The Surface’ - U Tube Video
seeing with the eyes of another listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another

6 Reacting vs. Responding
Resist the urge to judge or assume Stay fact-based Maintain a neutral boundary, do not appease Do not take personally, but know that sometimes it is personal When necessary – involve a ‘Silent Witness’ Document! Document! Document!

7 Workplace Control the environment Set a professional tone
Body language Remain calm

8 On The Bus Contain the situation – never allow to escalate
Body language Involve resources when available Remain calm

9 The Don’ts Don’t lose your cool Don’t argue
Don’t lecture, scold or yell Don’t give false praise Don’t hold a grudge Don’t ignore misbehavior

10 Key Word – Need When dealing with difficult people, use the word Need
I need you to do this for me. You need to sit down! We need to work together to find a solution. Make it a statement! Lessens the chance to say no.

11 forgive mistakes; punish patterns

12 Summary Recognize the personality traits
Identify Bullying – what is your action plan? Understand through empathy Respond to the situation Set the proper environment Document! Document! Document!

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