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Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms.

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1 Phylum Annelida Segmented Worms

2 Phylum Annelida Metameric Body Plan Bodies are divided into segments
Separated by septa Each segment has own excretory, nervous and circulatory structures Flexible support and efficient locomotion

3 Characteristics Most complex of all worms Triploblastic, coelomates
Bilateral symmetry More complex Closed circulatory system

4 Characteristics Two sets of muscles Paired epidermal setae (bristles)
Circular and longitudinal Paired epidermal setae (bristles) Ventral side Used in movement

5 Class Polychaeta “many bristles” ~5300 species Mostly marine
Largest group Burrow into sea floor or live in reefs or tubes Carnivores or filter feeders Lateral extensions called parapodia with numerous setae Respiratory gases diffuse across the body wall

6 Reproduction Remarkable regeneration Asexual reproduction
Some have break points that allow worms to sever themselves when a predator grabs them Lost segments are later regenerated Asexual reproduction Budding or transverse fission Sexual reproduction (most common) Dioecious Epitokes

7 Class Clitellata Characterizes organisms based upon clitellum and few or no setae Subclass Oligochaeta Earthworms Subclass Hirudinea Leeches

8 Subclass Oligochaeta “few hairs” ~3000 species
Freshwater/terrestrial habitats Lack parapodia and have fewer, shorter setae Earthworms

9 Characteristics Mostly live in terrestrial environments
Most have identical segments Specialized segements (clitellum) Reproduction Moves by anchoring setae then contracting circular muscles

10 Digestion Takes in soil through pharynx (acts as a pump)
Soil moves down esophagus to crop (storage) Moves to gizzard (crushing/grinding) Moves to intestine, absorption and digestion occurs through folds in walls Solid waste out through anus Valuable to gardeners and farmers Break up soil, aerate, and add nutrients (Nitorgen)

11 Circulation Closed circulatory system
Blood circulates through series of vessels Blood absorbs molecules and carries them through dorsal vessel to five pairs of “hearts” “Hearts” pump blood into main ventral blood vessel and smaller vessels carry blood to body.

12 Respiration and Excretion
Take in O2 and give of CO2 by diffusion through skin. Must remain moist (not too wet or dry) Eliminate liquid wastes through ciliated tubes called metanephridia (2 per segment) Chloragogen tissue (acts like a liver) Amino acid metabolism, converts ammonia to urea Converts excess carbs into glycogen and fat (store energy)

13 Nervous Control Can respond rapidly due to concentration of nerves called cerebral ganglion (anterior end). Connected to rest of body by ventral nerve cord Ganglion connects each segment to cord No external eyes or ears Receptors in skin will enable reactions (light, sound, chemical) Active mainly at night Giant Fibers Mediate an escape response Responds to stimulus from either end of worm Initiates “anchor” and longitudinal muscles contract to quickly pull worm away from stimulus

14 Reproduction Hermaphroditic
Female structures anterior, male structures posterior Two worms exchange sperm Mucus secretion from clitella holds them together Sperm stored in seminal receptacle until just before eggs are laid Clitellum forms a cocoon for the deposition of sperm and eggs Fertilization occurs in the cocoon Ends are sealed, deposited in soil, hatches in 1-3 weeks

15 Subclass Hirudinea ~500 species Leeches
Predators (feed on small invertebrates or feed on body fluids) 34 segments, reduced clitellum (only during reproduction) Freshwater (some are marine or terrestrial) Do not have setae

16 Characteristics Flat and tapered body with suckers on each end
Attach with anterior suckers Three sharp jaws to pierce host skin Secrete “hirudin” that prevents hosts’ blood from clotting Reproduce sexually (monoecious)

17 Interesting Facts Used to be used to “detoxify” blood Plastic surgery
Thought leeches removed toxins Plastic surgery Used to increase blood flow which keeps tissue alive long enough for surgery, re-attachment or tissue lifting

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