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War on Terror - Afghanistan

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Presentation on theme: "War on Terror - Afghanistan"— Presentation transcript:

1 War on Terror - Afghanistan

2 Geography of Region

3 US Military Intervention
3 phases/goals (1)Topple Taliban Ultraconservative political and religious faction who provided sanctuary for al-Qadea Rose to power in mid 1990s Application of Sharia Law Moral/religious code (crime, politics, economics) Toppled formal government quickly

4 US Military Intervention
(2)Defeat Taliban military elements Rebuild core institutions of Afghan state Humanitarian aid, training of Afghan military/police (3)Counterinsurgency 2009-present Defensive, security Bin Laden death May 2, 2011 Navy Seals in Pakistan

5 Afghanistan Today War official ends Dec 28, 2014
Longest war in US history US/NATO troops remain in region Military actions continue 2014 Presidential Election Ashraf Ghani replaces Hamid Karzai Afghan security forces struggle to secure country

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