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FIFRA 1972, 1988 (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act)

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1 FIFRA 1972, 1988 (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act)
Brian Crabtree

2 Function The Dates Congress did not address the potential risks to human health posed by pesticide products until it enacted FIFRA in 1947. The 1972 law completely replaced the original 1947 law, and is the basis of current federal policy. Substantial changes were made in 1988 to accelerate the reregistration process, and again in 1996. FIFRA governs the sale and use of pesticide products within the United States. FIFRA directs EPA to restrict the use of pesticides as necessary to prevent unreasonable adverse effects on people and the environment, taking into account the costs and benefits of various pesticide uses. FIFRA requires EPA to regulate the sale and use of pesticides in the United States through registration and labeling. The act prohibits sale of any pesticide in the United States unless it is registered and labeled to indicate approved uses and restrictions.

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