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Down Syndrome : screening evolution and natural history

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1 Down Syndrome : screening evolution and natural history
Professor Joan Morris 20th Annual CARIS meeting Princess of Wales Hospital Bridgend Tuesday 13th November 2018 Population Health Research Institute St George’s University of London Cranmer Terrace SW17 ORE

2 Down Syndrome : screening evolution and natural history
History of screening for Down Syndrome Principles of free fetal DNA testing Proposed method of screening using free fetal DNA But first news of the NDSCR…..

3 Update on National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register
From all cytogenetic laboratories in England and Wales notified the NDSCR of any diagnosis of trisomy 13,18 or 21 or related karyotype Pre- and postnatal diagnoses Follow-up information from clinicians and midwives > 94% Complete Crude measures of national trends can be derived directly from the NDSCR. More sophisticated measures derived by linking NDSCR with other data. 35,429 Down syndrome cases 1,714 Patau syndrome cases 4,297 Edwards syndrome cases

4 Maternal age and risk of trisomy birth
Down syndrome Edwards syndrome Patau syndrome Prenatal Diagnosis, 2009 doi: /pd.2403.

5 Survival of trisomy 21 pregnancies diagnosed at 10 weeks (95% CI)
Upper 95% CI Lower 95% CI American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 146A:827–832 (2008)

6 Recurrence risk of trisomy 21

7 Recurrence risk by age at 1st pregnancy
Age related risk Recurrence risk Maternal age (years) 25 30 35 40 45 Number of Down syndrome pregnancies per 100 pregnancies .5 1 2 3 4 15277 free trisomy 21 pregnancies 95 women had 2+ trisomy 21 pregnancies

8 How accurate are the risk estimates ?

9 Current Situation National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register is now part of NCARDRS (National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Diseases Registration Service) Data collected from all of England (not including Wales) Annual report published July 2017

10 Future research Health and Education of children with Down syndrome across Europe EUROlinkCAT – includes Welsh data on children with Down Syndrome Educational achievements of children with Down syndrome Linking NDSCR (English Data) to Hospital Episode Statistics and National Pupil Database

11 History of antenatal screening for Down syndrome

12 Screening using maternal age (1970’s)
Penrose LS. J Genet 1933;27: Amniocentesis offered to women 35 years of age and over

13 Screening using maternal age and second trimester AFP
1984 : Cuckle HS, Wald NJ & Lindenbaum RH. Lancet 1984;i:

14 Measurement (eg Human chorionic gonadotrophin )
THEORY OF SCREENING Detection Rate = the proportion of unaffected individuals with a positive result False-positive rate = the proportion of unaffected individuals with a positive result Screen Negative Cut-off Screen Positive Unaffected Down’s syndrome Detection Rate False-positive Rate Low Values High Values Measurement (eg Human chorionic gonadotrophin )

15 Screening using maternal age and second trimester AFP
Detection Rate = 44% False-positive Rate = 5%

16 Screening using maternal age and the second trimester triple test
Alphafetoprotein (MoM) Unconjugated estriol (MoM) + Maternal age Human chorionic gonadotrophin (MoM) Wald NJ et al. BMJ 1988;16:

17 Risk of Down's syndrome (early mid-trimester)
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/ :11 Antenatal screening for Down’s syndrome using the second trimester Triple test 1:108 1:106 1:104 1:102 1:1 102:1 104:1 106:1 Risk of Down's syndrome (early mid-trimester) Unaffected Down’s syndrome Lower risk Higher risk Risk cut-off 1:150 Detection Rate = 78% False-positive Rate = 5% SURUSS 11w DS: , Unaffected: , Cutoff: N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

18 Detection rate for a 5% false-positive rate
100 Integrated test* 96 NT, PAPP-A, AFP, uE3, hCG, Inhibin-A 1999 T1 T2 Combined test* 88 NT, free β-hCG, PAPP-A 1996 T1 Quad test* 86 1996 AFP, uE3, hCG, Inhibin-A T2 Triple test* 78 AFP, uE3, hCG 1988 T2 80 Detection Rate (%) 60 AFP test* 44 1987 40 33 AFP 20 T2 Maternal Age Year 1970s Wald NJ, Bestwick JP and Huttly WJ. J Med Screen 2013;20:7-14 *Include maternal age

19 Should interim risks be revealed with the Integrated test?
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Should interim risks be revealed with the Integrated test? Example: 43 year old woman 1st trimester test results: NT MoM Free β-hCG 1.25 MoM PAPP-A 0.76 MoM Should this be reported? Risk = 1 in 40 2nd trimester test results: Risk = 1 in 5000 AFP MoM uE MoM free β-hCG MoM Inhibin-A MoM No One pregnancy, one risk N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

20 Principles of free fetal DNA test in screening for Down syndrome

21 DNA fragments (100-200 DNA bases) in maternal plasma
85% 15% Fetal DNA 1ml of maternal plasma contains about 100 million DNA fragments

22 DNA from chromosome 21 in maternal plasma
ReflexDNA-Prague v06.pptx 13/01/2019 DNA from chromosome 21 in maternal plasma Relative amounts of chromosome 21 DNA fragments in maternal plasma From mother From fetus Total Unaffected 85 15 100 x 1.5 Down's syndrome 85 22.5 107.5 Down's syndrome / Unaffected = 107.5/100 = 1.075 N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ Nick Prague Reflex DNA

23 % of DNA on all chromosomes
ReflexDNA-Prague v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Human Chromosomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y Chromosome % of DNA on all chromosomes N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ Nick Prague Reflex DNA

24 % of DNA on all chromosomes
ReflexDNA-Prague v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Human Chromosomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y Chromosome % of DNA on all chromosomes 1.3% N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ Nick Prague Reflex DNA

25 DNA from chromosome 21 in maternal plasma
ReflexDNA-Prague v06.pptx 13/01/2019 DNA from chromosome 21 in maternal plasma Unaffected pregnancy 1.3% Down's syndrome pregnancy 1.3% x = 1.4% N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ Nick Prague Reflex DNA

26 DNA fragments from chromosome 21
Distributions of DNA fragments from chromosome 21 in affected and unaffected pregnancies Unaffected Down’s syndrome 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 DNA fragments from chromosome 21 (%)

27 DNA fragments from chromosome 21
Distributions of DNA fragments from chromosome 21 in affected and unaffected pregnancies Unaffected Down’s syndrome 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 DNA fragments from chromosome 21 (%)

28 DNA fragments from chromosome 21 Unaffected
ReflexDNA-Prague v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Distributions of DNA fragments from chromosome 21 in affected and unaffected pregnancies Canick et al. Prenat Diagn 2013;33:667-74 DNA fragments from chromosome 21 Unaffected 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.3 (%) Down’s syndrome Need to count about 10 million DNA fragments in maternal plasma N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ Nick Prague Reflex DNA

29 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening Palomaki et al. Genet Med 2011;13: Wald & Bestwick, J Med Screen 2015;22:168-74 98.7 Detection rate False-positive rate* 2.70 Percent 100 20 40 60 80 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive clear input ct ct10 ct20 dnapos dnaquad end set scheme lean2 graph bar (mean) ct (mean) ct10 (mean) ct20 (mean) dnapos (mean) dnaquad , legend(off) /* */ ylabel(0 "0.0" 10(10)100, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) */ ylabel(0(0.5)3, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

30 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening Palomaki et al. Genet Med 2011;13: Wald & Bestwick, J Med Screen 2015;22:168-74 98.7 Detection rate False-positive rate* 2.70 Percent 100 20 40 60 80 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive Move and change scale clear input ct ct10 ct20 dnapos dnaquad end set scheme lean2 graph bar (mean) ct (mean) ct10 (mean) ct20 (mean) dnapos (mean) dnaquad , legend(off) /* */ ylabel(0 "0.0" 10(10)100, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) */ ylabel(0(0.5)3, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

31 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening 100 20 40 60 80 Detection rate (%) 98.7 Universal DNA screening 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 False-positive rate (%) 2.70* Palomaki et al. Genet Med 2011;13: Wald & Bestwick, J Med Screen 2015;22:168-74 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive clear input ct ct10 ct20 dnapos dnaquad end set scheme lean2 graph bar (mean) ct (mean) ct10 (mean) ct20 (mean) dnapos (mean) dnaquad , legend(off) /* */ ylabel(0 "0.0" 10(10)100, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) */ ylabel(0(0.5)3, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

32 False-positive rate (%)
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening compared with screening using the Integrated test 100 20 40 60 80 Detection rate (%) 98.7 Universal DNA screening Integrated test 93.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 False-positive rate (%) 2.70* 2.70 Palomaki et al. Genet Med 2011;13: Wald & Bestwick, J Med Screen 2015;22:168-74 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive clear input ct ct10 ct20 dnapos dnaquad end set scheme lean2 graph bar (mean) ct (mean) ct10 (mean) ct20 (mean) dnapos (mean) dnaquad , legend(off) /* */ ylabel(0 "0.0" 10(10)100, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) */ ylabel(0(0.5)3, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

33 Main issues with antenatal DNA screening
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Main issues with antenatal DNA screening Test failures – about 2-9% Could be reduced by more than half by using a 2nd aliquot of the plasma sample collected High cost Time taken to complete test – 7 to 14 days From out PlosOne paper. Ref 1 = Sequenom = 11.5%, ref 2=Sequenom = 3.4%; Ref 3 = Verinata = 7%, Ref 4 = Ariosa = 0% and 5%, Ref 5 = Ariosa = 4.9%, Ref 6 = BGI = 1.6%, Ref 7 = Natera = 13% N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

34 Solution: Reflex DNA screening
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Solution: Reflex DNA screening All women have Combined test, extra blood sample collected Those with highest Combined test risk (eg top 20%) have a DNA test using the extra blood sample. Remainder (80%) are screen negative If DNA test fails on two separate samples women return for Integrated test From out PlosOne paper. Ref 1 = Sequenom = 11.5%, ref 2=Sequenom = 3.4%; Ref 3 = Verinata = 7%, Ref 4 = Ariosa = 0% and 5%, Ref 5 = Ariosa = 4.9%, Ref 6 = BGI = 1.6%, Ref 7 = Natera = 13% N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

35 Solution: Reflex DNA screening
Reflex DNA test using other sample, repeated if test fails Higher risk Lower risk Positive (offer amniocentesis) Higher risk Lower risk Combined test using one sample Negative Test fails on two separate samples Two blood samples taken (11-13 weeks) Higher risk Lower risk Positive (offer amniocentesis) Negative Integrated test Negative

36 False-positive rate (%)
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening compared with screening using the Integrated test 100 20 40 60 80 Detection rate (%) 98.7 Universal DNA screening Integrated test 93.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 False-positive rate (%) 2.70* 2.70 Palomaki et al. Genet Med 2011;13: Wald & Bestwick, J Med Screen 2015;22:168-74 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive clear input ct ct10 ct20 dnapos dnaquad end set scheme lean2 graph bar (mean) ct (mean) ct10 (mean) ct20 (mean) dnapos (mean) dnaquad , legend(off) /* */ ylabel(0 "0.0" 10(10)100, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) */ ylabel(0(0.5)3, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

37 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening compared with screening using the Integrated test and Reflex DNA screening 100 20 40 60 80 Detection rate (%) 98.7 Universal DNA screening 94.2 Reflex DNA screening** Integrated test 93.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 False-positive rate (%) 2.70* 2.70 Palomaki et al. Genet Med 2011;13: Wald & Bestwick, J Med Screen 2015;22:168-74 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive **20% reflexed, Combined test risk cut-off 1 in 2000 clear input ct ct10 ct20 dnapos dnaquad end set scheme lean2 graph bar (mean) ct (mean) ct10 (mean) ct20 (mean) dnapos (mean) dnaquad , legend(off) /* */ ylabel(0 "0.0" 10(10)100, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) */ ylabel(0(0.5)3, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

38 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive
screening-Iran v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Down’s syndrome screening performance: Universal DNA screening compared with screening using the Integrated test and Reflex DNA screening 100 20 40 60 80 Detection rate (%) 98.7 Universal DNA screening 94.2 Reflex DNA screening** Integrated test 93.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 False-positive rate (%) 2.70* 2.70 Palomaki et al. Genet Med 2011;13: Wald & Bestwick, J Med Screen 2015;22:168-74 *DNA test failures (2.5%) classed screen positive **20% reflexed, Combined test risk cut-off 1 in 2000 clear input ct ct10 ct20 dnapos dnaquad end set scheme lean2 graph bar (mean) ct (mean) ct10 (mean) ct20 (mean) dnapos (mean) dnaquad , legend(off) /* */ ylabel(0 "0.0" 10(10)100, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) */ ylabel(0(0.5)3, nogrid) plotregion(margin(zero)) 0.046 Reflex DNA screening** N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening


40 Reflex DNA screening implementation project
Five hospitals involved Royal London Newham Whipps Cross Kingston Liverpool Women’s 22,812 pregnancies screened 73 trisomy 21 25 trisomy 18 08 trisomy 13 Wald et al. Genet Med 2017; doi: /gim

41 Reflex DNA Screening: Predicted vs. observed screening performance
ReflexDNA-Prague v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Reflex DNA Screening: Predicted vs. observed screening performance Observed Predicted Reflexed to DNA 11% 11% 90% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Detection Rate (trisomy 21, 18 or 13) 95% 0.02% False-Positive Rate 0.06% Wald et al. Genet Med 2017; doi: /gim N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ Nick Prague Reflex DNA

42 Reflex DNA Screening: Predicted vs. observed screening performance
ReflexDNA-Prague v06.pptx 13/01/2019 Reflex DNA Screening: Predicted vs. observed screening performance Predicted Observed Reflexed to DNA 11% 11% 95% T21 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 90% 96% T18 89% T13 100% 78% Detection Rate False-Positive Rate 0.06% 0.02% Observed, Wald et al. Genet Med 2017; doi: /gim ; Predicted Bestwick & Wald J Med Screen 2016;23:171-4 N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ Nick Prague Reflex DNA

43 Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome
screening-Iran v06.pptx Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome 20 40 60 80 100 33 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Detection rate (%) False-positive rate (%) 1970’s Age Screening N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

44 Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome
screening-Iran v06.pptx Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome 20 40 60 80 100 78 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Detection rate (%) False-positive rate (%) 1988 Triple Test N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

45 Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome
screening-Iran v06.pptx Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome 20 40 60 80 100 88 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Detection rate (%) False-positive rate (%) 1996 Combined Test N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

46 Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome
screening-Iran v06.pptx Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome 20 40 60 80 100 93 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.7 Detection rate (%) False-positive rate (%) 1999 Integrated Test N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

47 Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome
screening-Iran v06.pptx Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome 20 40 60 80 100 94 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.05 Detection rate (%) False-positive rate (%) 2014 Reflex DNA screening* *20% reflexed, Combined test risk cut-off 1 in 2000 N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

48 Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome
screening-Iran v06.pptx Half a Century of Progress in Antenatal Screening for Down’s Syndrome True Positives False Positives : 1 100 4 Age Screening Reflex DNA screening A 400-fold improvement and an increase in detection from 33% to 94% The odds of being affected given a positive result N:\graphics\jpbestwick\WaldNJ\ x Nick Iran screening

49 Thank you

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