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Diversity Conference in Denmark 2007

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1 Diversity Conference in Denmark 2007
Background The diversity project during the UK Presidency A subject of high priority in Denmark Directors General resolutions on social dialogue Joint statement (DG’s and Trade Union Delegation) on equality and diversity

2 Diversity Conference in Denmark 2007
Objectives Contribute to the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All Focus on how we secure that public administration workforces are characterized by diversity, equality and non-discrimination discuss strastegic basis for the ongoing work in PAs exchange experiences and present best practises Further develop and strenghten the dialogue between EPAN and Trade Union Delegation

3 Diversity Conference in Denmark 2007
The conference Planned to be held in September 2007 High level discussion on strategies and visions Present best practises, exchange experiences and initiate mutual inspiration Present a publication on best practises etc.

4 Diversity Conference in Denmark 2007
The joint ad hoc working group Chair and Secretariat: The State Employer’s Authority 8 WG-members - 4 from each side Final composition of the group shortly after 1 May 3 meetings planned (6 June, 6 October, 13 April) The WG will draw on best experiences and collect cases and ideas from other member states and trade union delegation representatives

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