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Vocabulary practice Unit 2.2 Test Friday, 9/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary practice Unit 2.2 Test Friday, 9/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary practice Unit 2.2 Test Friday, 9/14

2 Study over your vocabulary list one last time before your test.
Monday, September 10, 2018 Review your words.

3 Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word
Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. You may use your definitions for help. Tuesday, September 11, 2018 Lawyers will try to ___________________ the contract to make it null and void. The huge storm finally __________________ out to sea, leaving much destruction in its way. The brave superhero soon put a stop to the evil villain’s acts of _____________ cruelty.

4 Select the boldface word that better completes the sentence
Select the boldface word that better completes the sentence. You may use your definitions for help. Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Detectives turn off the lights and use soft beams at the scene of a crime, as evidence is easier to see in (wanton, oblique) lighting. The film star traveled (oblique, incognito) in order to avoid the attention of her adoring fans. Although he had been severely (maimed, venerated) in the car accident, he was determined to return to his job and live a normal life.

5 Choose a vocabulary word that is the synonym of the boldface word for 1-2 and antonym for the boldface word for 3-4. Thursday, September 13, 2018 Respected his country Underrated the importance of the discovery The unexpected shortage of applicants A diary written by an unknown source

6 Study over your vocabulary list one last time before your test.
Friday, September 14, 2018 Review your words.

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