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Do Now Heading: What is electricity?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Heading: What is electricity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Heading: What is electricity?
In your journal answer the following questions. “ What is electricity? What do you think is needed for an electric circuit to light up a light bulb?” Answer these questions with a combined 4 sentences and a picture to help support your sentences.


3 Procedures Come up with an idea to test
Draw your idea in your data table Describe the idea in your data table(Be very specific) ex: I placed the glass part of the bulb on the small metal circle part of the battery Test the drawing Say if the idea did or did not work

4 Data Table Trial Number My Idea (drawn out) My description
Did it work? (did the light turn on?) 1 2 3 4 5

5 Conclusion Look at all of your pictures/descriptions for your working circuits. List two similarities between all of your circuits that worked Ex: it always worked when the lightbulb was upside down and was not connected to the battery


7 Electric Circuits


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