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Nate Brunelle Today: Regular Expressions

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1 Nate Brunelle Today: Regular Expressions
CS1110 Nate Brunelle Today: Regular Expressions

2 Questions?

3 String.find() Takes a string as an argument, and if exactly that string appears, give its index Mystring.find(“Purple Elephant”) “purple elephant”.find(“Purple Elephant”) “the elephant was purple”

4 Wildcards [Rr]ugs?[^a-zA-Z] Match on/ find: Will not match on/find:
Rugged rugged We might want: A way of saying r or R å Maybe there’s an s ç Something that’s not a letter ê åugçê [Rr]ugs?[^a-zA-Z]

5 R string “\”” r“\”this” -> error r“\n” -> \n

6 Regex Pieces Operation Example Meaning Character class [Rr] or [rR]
[abcd] [\^] R or r Exactly one of a, b, c, or d Just carat (^) Character Range [a-z] [a-zA-Z] [0-9] Exactly one character “between” a and z “between” a and z or “between” A and Z Any one digit Negative character class [^a] [^a-zA-Z] [^\^] Any one character that’s not an a Any one character that’s not a letter any one character that’s not a carat Optional Quantifier s? [Rr]? Maybe there’s an s, 0 or 1 s Either have one of R or r or neither OR wx|xyz One of the strings wx or xyz

7 Regex Pieces, Cont. Operation Example Meaning

8 Give an Expression to match
All UVA computing IDs 2-3 letters, number, 1-3 letters [a-z] [a-z] [a-z]?[1-9] [a-z] [a-z]? [a-z]?

9 Give strings which match:
[Dr]oc[^0-9][3-5!] rock! DocǓ4 [3-5!] A character (between 3 and 5) or !

10 Something we can’t do with [], *, +, ?
His or hers Hi?e?r?s His|hers H (i|er) s

11 Give strings which match:

12 Give an Expression to match
3 words separated by spaces

13 Give an Expression to match
Nate and Brunelle within 3 words of one another

14 In python import re Compile Operate Match Object search finditer
findall Match Object group start end groups

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