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Chair Points Expressions Edition.

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Presentation on theme: "Chair Points Expressions Edition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chair Points Expressions Edition

2 Instructions A question will be displayed to the class.
Write the answer on your board. Each team will rotate “runners” The runner will run to a chair with their completed answer. If the runner is correct, their team gets the amount of points written on the chair. If the runner is wrong, their team loses the amount of points written on the chair.

3 Teams Your team will be the group you traveled with during the MATH stations

4 Ready to Begin? First the question will be displayed
When all runners are seated, the answer will be displayed

5 Write an expression with one variable and one constant
Vocabulary Question Write an expression with one variable and one constant

6 Vocabulary Answer Sample Response: x + 4

7 Write an expression with three terms and two different variables
Vocabulary Question Write an expression with three terms and two different variables

8 Vocabulary Answer Sample Response: 3x + 4y + 7

9 Vocabulary Question Write an expression with two terms, two different variables, and prime number coefficients

10 Vocabulary Answer Sample Response: 3x + 5y

11 Evaluate Expressions Question
Evaluate the expression for x = 3. 15x

12 Evaluate Expressions Answer

13 Evaluate Expressions Question
Evaluate the expression for x = 4. 2x - 6

14 Evaluate Expressions Answer

15 Evaluate Expressions Question
Evaluate the expression for x = 5. 2x² + 7

16 Evaluate Expressions Answer

17 Evaluate Expressions Question
Evaluate the expression for x = 7. 105 ÷ x + 3

18 Evaluate Expressions Answer

19 Evaluate Expressions Question
Evaluate the expression for x = 8 x³ - 11

20 Evaluate Expressions Answer

21 Write Expressions Question
9 less than a number p

22 Write Expressions Answer

23 Write Expressions Question
m oranges divided among 3 friends

24 Write Expressions Answer
m / 3

25 Write Expressions Question
4 times the number of g girls

26 Write Expressions Answer

27 Write Expressions Question
12 more than a number k times 8

28 Write Expressions Answer
8k + 12

29 Write Expressions Question
15 less than twice a number b

30 Write Expressions Answer
2b - 15

31 Order of Operations Question
Evaluate the expression 2³ + 12 ÷ 4

32 Order of Operations Answer

33 Order of Operations Question
Evaluate the expression (6² - 4) x 2

34 Order of Operations Answer

35 Order of Operations Question
Evaluate the expression: 9 + 3 x 5 - 4

36 Order of Operations Answer

37 Order of Operations Question
Evaluate the expression: 5² + 8 x 3 ÷ 6

38 Order of Operations Answer

39 Order of Operations Question
Evaluate the expression: 7 + (3³ - 6) ÷ 3

40 Order of Operations Answer

41 Is 6 a solution to the equation below? YES or NO?
Random Question Is 6 a solution to the equation below? YES or NO? 4x + 5 = 30

42 Random Answer No

43 Random Question On a half day, Mrs. Wetzel bought pretzels for her class from the PTA sale. Each pretzel cost $2. Mrs. Wetzel gave the PTA an extra $5 tip. Write an expression to show how much money Mrs. Wetzel spent if she has “x” students in her class.

44 Random Answer 2x + 5

45 Random Question Nicole rides her bicycle 2 miles to school each day. After school she rides x miles to the library, and then 2.5 miles home. Write an expression to show how many miles Nicole rides her bicycle in one day.

46 Random Answer 2 + x + 2.5

47 Random Question Junior paid $65 for a pair of hiking boots. He also bought some pairs of socks that cost $7 per pair. Write an expression to show how much he spent in all.

48 Random Answer 65 + 7x

49 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have completed Chair Points!!!
TEAMS: Tally your points to see which team scored the most points.

50 Continue to review and study for your quiz!
WHAT NOW? Continue to review and study for your quiz!

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