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Unit II A4: Political Socialization

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1 Unit II A4: Political Socialization

2 I. Definition Political Socialization: How people obtain information, beliefs, attitudes and values that they base their political views upon. In plain English: Why people believe what they do

3 II. Agents of Socialization (things that influence your beliefs)
Groups: Family Provide structure for all belief Peer groups Guide acceptable behavior and influences Very important to adolescents Media Filters information about the government and its role Media chooses much of what citizens know, so it has a large impact.

4 2. Demographics Gender Men & women differ in their political views
Examples: Women less likely to support war Men less likely to support social programs to help families Education What you are taught & the narrative is nearly the same as media's influence More education typically means more liberal... a LARGE portion of College professors are liberal... Religion Lays foundation for acceptable & unacceptable behaviors Many morals & values are founded here.

5 D. Region you live in i. Different regions have different political practices ii. Peers & Culture? iii. South: Conservative Northeast: Liberal E. Social Class i. Largely has to do with what you have and what you want to have ii. Working class & poor=liberal. Wealthy = conservative. F. Ethnicity i. This is closely related to your cultural beliefs ii. Disadvantaged groups often are more liberal--they want or need gov't protection from the majority

6 3. Time a. Life-cycle i. People's political ideas change based on their age. ii. "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart. If you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain" (Churchill) b. Period Effects i. Major historical events that effect everyone ii. Ex: 9/11 or economic depressions c. Cohort Effects i. Specific event that has influence over a specific group of people

7 III. Typical Groups.... Liberal Younger adults Working class
Union members Urban dwellers Poor elderly Minorities Northeast US Conservative Older adults Upper class "Professional" workers Rural & suburban dwellers Largely white South

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