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Welcome Everyone!.

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1 Welcome Everyone!







8 Show Time!!!!

9 Today’s date is 4/15/13 Current temperature is 45 degrees.
Projected high is 59 degrees.

10 3

11 2

12 1






18 “Jammin Minute”


20 Hillman Community Schools
Fall MEAP Scores

21 3rd Grade MEAP Scores

22 4th Grade MEAP Scores New Students: Marilyn(score 3s), Marissa(writing score 3)

23 5th Grade MEAP Scores New Students (Guillermo-scores 3s in reading & writing)

24 6th Grade MEAP Scores New Students: Mariah (scores 3s ELA)

25 ESD Grade 3 Reading

26 ESD Grade 3 Math

27 ESD Grade 4 Reading

28 ESD Grade 4 Math

29 ESD Grade 5 Reading

30 ESD Grade 5 Math

31 ESD Grade 5 Science

32 ESD Grade 6 Reading

33 ESD Grade 6 Math

34 ESD Grade 6 Social Studies

35 The Great Start Readiness Program - GSRP
Hillman Elementary Preschool

36 What is GSRP? Introductions Preschool for 16 Students
Enrollment Collaboration Staffing Issues Budget/Concerns Questions

37 Writing Workshop Lucy Calkins
Good afternoon! Today, I will be telling you a little bit about our writing program that we use. K-2 use the primary program and grades 3-6 use the upper elementary program. We started using this writing program during the school year. During our first year, we had many professional development days spent learning the program and discussing any problems or concerns that any of us were running into while using this program. 37

38 Students write to a writing prompt twice a year.
This writing program covers the Grade Level Content Expectation’s for writing. Students write to a writing prompt twice a year. The focus of the writing workshop is not on grammar, but rather using the writing process and putting their ideas on paper. These various GLCE’s are presented in the daily minilessons. There is a team of scorers that score the students’ writings and how well they use the writing process. They are graded twice a year, once in the first marking period and once in the last marking period. These prompts are graded and given back to the teacher to show if students have improved throughout the year. The grades also give teachers ideas on what student’s need to improve on as a whole. 38

39 K-2 Program Unit 1: Launching the Writing Workshop
Unit 2: Personal Narrative Writing Unit 3: Writing to an Audience Unit 4: Revising/Editing Writing Unit 5: Authors as Mentors Unit 6: Nonfiction Writing Unit 7: Poetry

40 3-6 Program Unit 1: Launching Writing Workshop
Unit 2: Narrative Writing Unit 3: Essays Unit 4: Fiction Writing Unit 5: Literary Essays Mini-Unit: Poetry

41 Structure of Writing Workshop
Mini-lesson Writing Time Mid-Workshop Teaching Point Share Time Publishing The mini lesson is approximately minutes. This lesson gives the students skills and strategies to use in their writing. This is also when the teacher gives instructions on what their writing assignment is for the day. Writing time is spent writing mostly on topics of their choice. Writing partnerships are developed and productive talk is encouraged. During this time, conferences, either one-on-one or in small groups, are used to help aid students with their writing ideas and to guide them in the right direction. The writing time starts out smaller at the beginning of the year and the time spent writing will increase throughout the year as their writing stamina increases. Mid-workshop teaching point: This teaching point is used in order to give students a break and to also give them direction and focus. This point can be a reiteration of the minilesson, a highlight of a student’s work, or a time for writing partners to discuss a strategy or skill they are using in their own writing. Share Time: This time is used to talk with others about the writing process and to share writings with the class. This share time should occur everyday for approximately 5 minutes. 41

42 “When you think you’re done, you’ve only just begun.”

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