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Small Talk This whole lesson is based around two ideas:

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1 Small Talk This whole lesson is based around two ideas:
Small Talk is important for building relationships Good Small Talkers start with Small Talk and then transition quickly to more important and interesting topics Bad Sam Talkers stay on Small Talk for too long; making the conversation uncomfortable and boring This lesson practices the skills necessary to get good and Small Talk

2 Funny Small Talk Videos Examples of Small Talk
Good Small Talk Vs. …well…Not so Good Funny Small Talk Videos Examples of Small Talk Business Insider – How to Small Talk Buzzfeed – Signs You’re Bad at Small Talk BBC Brit – Socially Awkward Situations This is a resources page to give them some examples of Small Talk. The videos on the left are all short videos. Business Insider – A bit serious with some basic tips Buzzfeed & BBC – Funny videos about how silly Small Talk is TED – This is a longer talk about how to make Small Talk better Examples of Small Talk – Websites with Small Talk Topics Breaking the Habit of Small Talk

3 In Partners ACTIVITY – Small Talk Joust Small Talk
Each of you choose a topic from the list on the website Engage in Small Talk, but don’t start with your topic Talk for 5-7 minutes Each of you will try to “pull” the conversation towards your topic A quick activity to get them warmed up before you start into the “theory of making Small Talk better” The topic list is the ones from the previous slide Examples of Small Talk lists. VARIATION FOR LOWER LEVELS If they’re not very confident, you can have them do this first in their native language then you can talk about it afterwards in English. The following class you should try it again, but this time in English.

4 1. You Have No Idea Where It Will Go Build Rapport / Relationships
Small Talk No…really…it actually can be important 1. You Have No Idea Where It Will Go 2. It Makes You Smarter Brett Nelson Forbes Executive Editor 3. It Feels Good 4. It Opens Your Eyes 5. You’ll Be Liked Build Rapport / Relationships The purpose of this slide is to explain to them why Small Talk is important to learn. It’s important because if you go directly to asking for something from people, you won’t get a good reaction. That’s why Number 5 is highlighted afterwards, because you need Small Talk skills to be liked. You should also explain that Small Talk doesn’t mean you stay on Small Talk topics for 20 minutes. The purpose of Small Talk is to start with a shared experience, build a little bit of rapport, and then transition to a more interesting and important topic. 6. You Have No Choice Source:

5 ACTIVITY: The Idea of a Lifetime
Small Talk ACTIVITY: The Idea of a Lifetime Examples: New Meeting Process New Software Team Building Activities Free Lunch Program 1. Choose an Idea You’d Like to Implement at Work or elsewhere 2. Get a Partner Examples: Your boss’s boss CEO of a company Journalist Charity worker Engineer 3. Your Partner is the EXACT person who can help you implement your idea (but you don’t know them) 4. Start with Small Talk Build Rapport Transition into Your Idea

6 Listen & Ask Questions Monitor Your Thoughts
Small Talk Questions Questions Questions Listen & Ask Questions Listen Listen for things you can ask deeper questions about Open-Ended Questions Ask questions that are not Yes/No Questions Monitor Your Thoughts Are you thinking of a statement or question? Try to ask more questions than make statements. You’ll learn a lot more You can choose to play the YouTube video if you’d like. It’s an Ellen Show opening monologue about Small Talk. It gives some good, funny examples of bad Small Talk. Once you’ve watched the video, have a quick discussion about asking questions in a conversation. This makes you, not only good at Small Talk, but also a better conversationalist in general. Ellen – Small Talk

7 In Partners ACTIVITY – Just like Socrates Small Talk
Choose a Small Talk topic to start with Partner 1 can only use questions in the conversation No statements Chat for a couple minutes Switch roles Sports Travel Movies Celebrity Gossip Weather Hobbies News Hometown Family Food and Drink Work Pets

8 Taboo Topics Go Back, Steer Clear, Get Away, Vacate the Premises!!!
Small Talk Go Back, Steer Clear, Get Away, Vacate the Premises!!! Taboo Topics Probably best not to talk about these with people you don’t know Personal Finances Age Politics Appearance Religion Personal Gossip Sex Offensive Jokes Death Past Relationships

9 In Partners ACTIVITY – Taboo Dialogue Small Talk
Each Partner Choose a celebrity who they will be in the dialogue Choose a taboo topic to talk about Take turns writing as your celebrity Write a dialogue with what you think they’d say when having a taboo conversation Personal Finances Age Politics Appearance Religion Personal Gossip Sex Offensive Jokes Death Past Relationships

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