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The Depression/Melancholy in

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1 The Depression/Melancholy in
Hamlet Kane Hason-Traynor

2 Depression/ Melancholy Definition
Severe, typically prolonged, feelings of despondency and dejection Feeling of extreme sadness Affects about 8% people in their lifetime 2x more common in women then men Most common in middle aged adults Onset in teens

3 Depression Symptoms Feeling down
Exaggerate minor failings & ignore positive events See themselves as worthless & unlovable Show a lack of interest in hobbies May consider death or suicide Change in eating patterns: overeat or eat little Feel inexplicable pains

4 Types of Depression Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Periodic struggles with symptoms; usually severe Chronic Depression: less severe than MDD but symptoms last longer Bipolar Disorder: a rollercoaster of emotions 2 sides depression and mania Little need for sleep in mania, extreme risk taking.

5 Depression in early 1600’s A large amount of people became depressed
Many poor people were unable to access land Many people died from illnesses Much of depression comes from loss of a loved one

6 Depression In Hamlet Hamlet is most depressed
Depressed about his fathers death Claudius says to him "How is it that the clouds still hang on you?“ (Act 1 Scene 2) Depressed about mother marrying uncle Most soliloquies about his depression His depression makes him seem insanse

7 Depression in Hamlet Ophelia’s depression
Family tells her she's not good enough for hamlet Must watch Hamlet brake down from his depression Loves Hamlet but can never be together

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