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Welcome to Highcroft Drive Elementary’s Kindergarten Orientation

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1 Welcome to Highcroft Drive Elementary’s Kindergarten Orientation
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

2 Philosophy of Kindergarten We are a community of learners
We meet children where they are and take them as far as possible Child’s development: cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and academic Character Traits: Responsibility, Respect, Courage, Kindness, Self-Discipline, Integrity, Perseverance, Good Judgement Each child’s self-concept is important

3 Staggered Entry Aug. 27, 28, 29, 30 Your child will attend just one day the first week of school Teacher gets to know the children; allows for a more gradual adjustment to kindergarten Initial assessments will be completed Create heterogeneous classes

4 What does staggered entry day look like?
Read a story Play in quiet centers (puzzles, play dough, coloring, listening to books, etc.) One-on-one assessments Lunch Quiet Time Social assessments through play (housekeeping, blocks, cars, etc.) Recess (gross motor and social assessments) School Tour Snack Train how to go home

5 What are the initial assessments?
Social Readiness Follow Multi-step Directions Letters and Sounds Numbers and Counting Shapes and Colors Fine and Gross Motor Skills (pencil grip, scissor usage, throwing and catching, etc.) Vocabulary

6 Social Readiness Skills Being part of a group
Listens without interrupting Follows directions the first time given Carries out responsibilities Follows the school rules Shows respect for others and their work Takes care of classroom materials Cleans up after self Displays good manners: polite words, waits turn, etc. Self care: opening lunch containers to personal care in restroom

7 A Day in Kindergarten Arrival activities Group time
Language Arts-Reading/Writing Developmental Centers Lunch Math Recess Snack Social Studies/Science Specials: Art, P.E., P.E. II, Music, Spanish, Media Media

8 How Does Lunch Work? Your child can pack or buy lunch (entire lunch or just milk) Lunch price is $2.35 Students have a student ID number Lunches can be paid for online ( or a check can be sent with your child Practice opening and closing containers at home Lunch is 25 minutes

9 Arrival and Dismissal Children may enter the building at 8:45a.m. First bell rings at 9:10a.m. Final bell rings at 9:15a.m. School is dismissed at 3:45p.m. Walkers enter and leave the building by the side doors. Carpoolers enter and leave the building by the front doors. Carpool tags can be picked up in the office on “Meet the Teacher” day. Before & After School Program is available through the YMCA

10 Helpful Information Be positive about school; children will follow your lead Bring supplies on “Meet the Teacher” Day – August 23rd Send children in clothes that they can manage (no zippers, etc.) Each child needs a full-sized backpack (large enough for a folder) – no rolling bags please

11 Write your child’s name on every personal item
Notify us of any afternoon transportation changes in writing Child must be “fever-free” for 24 hours without medication before returning to school Please send a note or when your child is absent Join the PTA, get involved, volunteer Sign up for Ready4K texts at Read, read, read to your child

12 Dates to Remember Thursday, Aug. 23rd -Come by and “Meet Your Teacher” from 4-6pm. Class lists will be posted outside of the school at 1pm. This is also the best time to drop off school supplies. Staggered Entry-Aug. 27, 28, 29, 30. Your child will attend for ONE full day this week.

13 Tuesday, September 4th –First full day for all kindergartners
PTA Kindergarten Kick-Off breakfast for parents on Sept. 4th at 9am in the cafeteria Curriculum Night-will occur in September

14 Questions and Answers If you have questions about registration: contact Jeanette Acker at If you have questions about the kindergarten program: please contact the kindergarten grade chair:

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