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Interesting Case Conference: ABO Incompatible Heart Transplant

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1 Interesting Case Conference: ABO Incompatible Heart Transplant
Jonathan Douds August 14, 2013

2 Case Presentation 2 month old male (currently)
HPI: Born at 36.1 w EGA, 2930 g via emergent C section. At birth, baby was noted to be cyanotic with oxygen saturation at 70% on room air. Baby was intubated with improvement Family history: Father with DCM as a neonate Radiology: CXR showed cardiomegaly; Echo demonstrated depressed LV and RV wall motion, mitral and tricuspid insufficiency

3 Case Presentation Echo worsened Patient evaluated for heart transplant
An ABO incompatible heart was available on 8/1/13 (B donor, O recipient) Patient’s ABO titers were 1:1 Patient remains critically ill with respiratory failure and feeding intolerance

4 Brief Background UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing) listed 51,837 patients for transplantation in 2010 and had only 28,664 organs available Limitations in pediatric transplant have included: ABO type HLA type Size

5 Review of ABO Blood Groups
4 blood groups, A, B, O, and AB described by Karl Landsteiner in 1900 Located on chromosome 9q Gene encodes glycosyl transferases Specific sugars added to a precursor H antigen determine blood type A has a N-acetyl galactosamine B has a galactose O type only has H antigen Lack of H antigen is known as Bombay Antibodies to these blood groups develop naturally in response to environmental antigens that share structural similarity to A and B antigens Type A people develop anti-B antibodies and express the A antigen

6 Clinical Background ABH antigens are expressed on the mesothelial cells on the epicardium and on vascular endothelium Immunosuppression administered according to standard protocol, regardless of ABOi Measure isohemagglutinins regularly in the immediate post-transplant period but they correlate poorly with clinical, echocardiographic or pathologic signs of AMR

7 ABO Type and Transplant
Following mismatch transplants in adults, hyperacute antibody-mediated rejection occurs owing to the pre-formed antibodies in the serum of the recipient that bind to the antigens on the cell of the donor Leads to activation of complement and coagulation cascades leading to ischemic necrosis of the graft

8 ABO Type and Transplant
In 2004, it was found that instead of this expected response, a severe form of acute antibody mediated rejection occurred during the first 2 weeks post transplant – “delayed hyperacute rejection” Two proposed mechanisms Decreased antigenicity of the vascular endothelium owing to ischemic injury to the graft Decreased antibody in the recipient either owing to antibody removal prior to transplant or due to immunosuppressive therapy This rarely occurred beyond one month due to “accommodation” Therefore, the first two weeks are the critical period

9 ABO Type and Pediatric Transplant
Humoral responses to ABOi in adults do not seem to occur in children There are little or no antibodies to ABO antigens in young infants as these are predominantly formed following exposure Anti-A and anti-B antibodies are absent at birth and appear from 4 to 8 months of age after colonization of the GI tract with E. coli Development of antibodies to carbohydrate epitopes on these bacteria

10 Acceptance of ABOi Organs
Subramanian V, et al. (2012)

11 ABO Type and Pediatric Transplant
The first 10 patients to undergo intentional ABOi cardiac transplantation were reported in 2001 Had no or very low titers of isohemagglutinins No hyperacute rejection occurred 2 patients died both with causes unrelated to ABO incompatibility

12 Effect of ABOi Transplants
UNOS policy change in 2006 allowed for listing of infants with ABOi transplants with a maximum age limit of <2 years and a maximum isohemagglutinin titer of LE 1.4 ABOi hearts offered once ABOc possibilities are exhausted One study indicated that infants eligible for ABOi hearts have a median waiting time of 2 weeks or less than those only listed for ABOc hearts Canadian data has shown a decrease in wait listing mortality for infants under 6 months of age from 58% to 7% with ABOi transplants making up to 40% of transplants

13 Henderson, et al. (2012) Previous studies have shown that children who received ABOi heart transplants have similar survival when compared to ABOc Prior to study, published studies have had small number of patients and small follow-up data Goal was to analyze patients in Pediatric Heart Transplant Study database Analyzed ABOi and ABOc done at PHTS transplant centers Compared clinical characteristics and short term freedom of death, rejection, and infection in the ABOi patients with the ABOc patients

14 Henderson, et al. (2012) Analyzed 502 heart transplants done at PHTS centers that performed at least 1 ABOi transplant (85) ABOi transplant patients had equivalent one year survival and freedom from rejection compared with those that received an ABOc transplant In spite of the favorable outcome, many centers appear to reserve ABOi transplantation for sicker patients Recommended reevaluation of the current United Network for Organ Sharing policy that gives priority to ABOc over ABOi transplnation in the US

15 Costanzo, et al. (2010) Guidelines
“Upper limit of age or titer for ABOi pediatric heart transplant remains unclear” “ABOi heart transplant can be safely performed in the pediatric population in the presence of positive isohemagglutinin titers against the donor organ” “Serial measurements of isohemagglutinin titers should be done in the post-operative period” Whole blood products should never be administered Group O RBCs and group AB blood elements are safe If RBC transfusions are given to any ABO-incompatible recipient, base the match on the recipient’s ABO blood type If platelets or plasma is needed, base the match on the donor’s ABO blood type All recommendations are level of evidence C (based on expert consensus and not on clinical trials)

16 Costanzo, et al. (2010) Guidelines

17 Kobayashi and Saito (2006) 2 surveys performed in Japan 2003 survey
In 2003, serum samples from six healthy donors were sent to 29 hospitals Measured isohemagglutinin assays in serial-doubling time dilutions of serum Inter-institutional difference between maximum and minimum value was as high as 32 fold in IgM and 256 fold in IgG They noted that protocol for the assay varied between institutions, so a standardized protocol was created 2004 survey Intra-institutional variation was reduced to below eight-fold Conclusions Periodical control survey is necessary and standardization of the assay of anti-A and anti-B antibody titer is important

18 2013 VUMC CAP Survey Titers were performed for anti-A and anti-D
Anti-A result was a titer of 64, with CAP acceptable results of 64, 128, and 256 Given a result of “good” Anti-D result was a titer of 32 Result was listed as acceptable when compared to similar methodologies

19 References Henderson HT, Canter CE, Mahle WT, Dipchand AI, LaPorte K, Schechtman KB, Zheng J, Asante-Korang A, Singh RK, Kanter KR. ABO-incompatible heart transplantation: Analysis of the Pediatric Heart Transplant Study databse. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, Vol 32, No 2, February 2012. Subramanian, V, Ramachandran S, Klein C, Wellen JR, Shenoy S, Chapman WC, Mohanakumar T. ABO-incompatible organ transplantation. Intl Journal of Immunogenetics, 2012, 39, Irving C, Gennery A, Kirk R. Pushing the boundaries: The current status of ABO-incompatible cardiac transplantation. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, Vol 31, No 8, August 2012 Costanzo MR et al., The International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation Guidelines for the Care of Heart Transplant Recipients. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplanation, Vol 29, No 8, August 2010 Kobayashi T and Saito K. A series of surveys on assay for anti-A/B antibody by Japanese ABO-incompatible Transplantation Committee. Xenotransplantation 2006: 13:

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