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English December 17th Agenda You Will Need:

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Presentation on theme: "English December 17th Agenda You Will Need:"— Presentation transcript:

1 English 1-2 - December 17th Agenda You Will Need:
Warm-Up: Dubose Group Presentations: varies by class Wrap-up/Homework You Will Need: Homework for stamping Notebook TOC Writing Implement To Kill a Mockingbird Extra Credit Handout

2 Warm-Up: Dubose Why is Mrs. Dubose’s story important to Jem and Scout?
Why is her story important to the reader?

3 Presentation Notes Take notes for each presentation about how each character affects Maycomb and Scout. Format: Character Name Effect on Maycomb Effect on Scout

4 Wrap-Up (In Notebook) Pick one character from today’s presentation.
How would Maycomb be different if this character (or family) was not present?

5 Homework - Due 01/04 Read Chs. 12-14 of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Complete a TWO page dialectical journal. Focus: Race Relations *Extra credit also due by 01/04

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