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Chapter 1: The Flat Water State

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1 Chapter 1: The Flat Water State
Where is Nebraska Located How did it develop What are its geographic features

2 Absolute location: 95 25’ and 104 west longitude 40 and 43 north latitude Relative location Middle of the country 6 surrounding states? Western boundary? Eastern boundary? 15 largest- 77,355 square miles 207 miles by 430

3 Two time zones Mountain and Central Became a state March 1st, 1867 93 counties HDC- counties include Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, and Stanton and country seats are Schuyler, West Point, Fremont, and Stanton State Song- Beautiful Nebraska

4 Time Periods Precambrian- ended 570 millions years ago
Besides algae, no other plant or animal life Granite, sedimentary rock Paleozoic- 570 million to 240 million North America covered by seas and swamps Evidence of fossils such as sharks Dolomite, sandstone, limestone Coal and oil develop

5 Mesozoic- 240 to 66 millions years ago
Jurassic period- dinosaurs Went from swampy area back to sea Rocky mountains form Cenozoic Era- 66 million to 38 million year Seas disappeared Mammals showed up Ogallala Aquifer- formed during this period, made of porous rock and stores huge amounts of water underground

6 Agate Fossil Beds – Harrison
Ashfalls Fossil Beds - Orchard

7 Pleistocene period- 1 million years ago
Glaciers came twice over Nebraska Nebraska state fossil? 10,000 years ago- Nebraska started to resemble what it is today

8 Nebraska Landscape State slants up from south east to northwest
Lowest Point- 840 ft above sea level Highest 5,424 ft above sea level Panorama Point Topography- lay of the land

9 8 Topographic Regions Most Unique sandhills

10 Nebraska Soils Most Nebraskans make a living directly or indirectly related to AGRICULTURE Soil contains- silt, clay, sand, and gravel Loess-fertile, easy to till, and great for crops, located on the plains Loam- need irrigation, but can be used for crops, fertile, and located near bluffs and escarpments

11 Nebraska water: Rivers
Most rivers flow easterly Longest River- Platte- wide but shallow Nebrathka- used by Oto and Omaha meaning- Most rivers eventually drain into the ……… Important river in north part of the state_______________

12 Nebraska Water: Lakes and Reservoirs
Dams have created stable water supply 2,500 natural and artificial lakes Lake C. W. McConaughy Largest in lake, 55 square miles Kingsley Dam on North Platte River Lewis and Clark Lake Missouri River Gavin's Point dam

13 Minerals Does not have extensive mineral resources Salt- Lincoln Ne
Potash- important during WWI State Rock- blue agate

14 Weather and Climate Tornados- Spring and summer Blizzards in winter
Weather- conditions in the bottom layer of the atmosphere at a particular time Climate- weather over long period of time- Climate of Nebraska is continental- cold winters and hot summers Temperature Vary greatly Mean January temp- 23 degrees Mean July temp- 76 degrees Highest- Minden- 118 degrees- 1936 Lowest- -47 degrees 1899 and 1989

15 Precipitation 98th parallel considered the important dividing line with precipitation East- 20 inches or more West- 20 inches or less Average 34 inches in SE 24 inches in Central 16 inches in panhandle Most- 57 inches Least- 7 inches

16 Relatively few trees, wind can reach high velocities
Wind mills can harness this energy Storms Harsh blizzards during the winter 1975 storm of the century Tornados 30 per year Grand Island 1975, Omaha 1913

17 Native Vegetation Nebraska Wild Life
1,400 species native, another 350 brought here Only 3 percent natural forrest Prairie Grasses- Little blue stem- state grass Cottonwood- state tree Known for arbor day to encourage planting trees J. Sterlig Morton Goldenrod- state flower Nebraska Wild Life Bison/buffalo- most important White tail deer- State mammal Meadowlark- state bird Honeybee- state insect

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