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Bercow: Ten Years On A local strategic approach in Kirkby: Tackling social disadvantage by prioritising children’s language in the early years. Monday.

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1 Bercow: Ten Years On A local strategic approach in Kirkby: Tackling social disadvantage by prioritising children’s language in the early years. Monday 18th September 2017


3 Knowsley Children’s Centres Context
Knowsley is one of 5 Metropolitan Districts in Merseyside and is bordered by St. Helens, Liverpool, Lancashire, Halton, Sefton. Knowsley covers an area of 33 square miles. Knowsley is the 2nd most deprived local authority area in England and Wales (IMD 2015). There are 10 Children’s Centres in total managed in 3 geographical areas each under one leader and governance body. Kirkby Children’s Centres Group Context 60% of the SOA’s fall in the bottom 3% (IMD). 8 SOA’s are in the bottom 1%. 4 Designated Children’s Centres and 3 Linked sites.(7 Buildings) 3, 050 children 0-4.

4 Background Information
The Knowsley Early Communication and Language Pathway was developed collaboratively with the following services; Children’s Community Nursing Services Knowsley Children’s Centres Knowsley Community Speech and Language Therapy Service

5 Aims of the Pathway Prevention: provide advice and guidance to encourage communication and language development Early Identification: accessing the most appropriate support at the earliest opportunity Support: practitioners are able to plan appropriate strategies to support each unique child and their needs- support for School Readiness Specialist Support: reduce the demand for specialist intervention- ensuring that such intervention is appropriate (medium/high level)

6 Pathway Process and Procedures
Share hard copies at this point- for information only. Pathway Process and Procedures

7 Knowsley Early Communication and Language Booklet
Kirkby Early Communication and Language Pathway Booklet (for parents and professionals)- share hard copies Knowsley Early Communication and Language Booklet

8 Antenatal Advice Postcard
This Postcard was developed for the midwives to share at the antenatal contact. –share hard copies

9 Why develop a Pathway? 2014 Knowsley noted a growing population (birth data) and an increase in the number of referrals the NHS SLT service Many of the referrals were inappropriate (mild) and did not require specialist intervention. The SLT Service had seen an annual increase in number of referrals, with it almost doubling in 2 years from 2012 to 2014. Change in profile increase in complexity and severity of children requiring SLT input e.g. ASC, (Autistic Spectrum Condition). These children require intensive long term intervention for up to 2 years. Long waiting lists for children and families; children often seen for an initial appointment, then referred to Chatterbox for support, children would then wait for up to 12 months to be seen again by NHS Therapy service and then wait a further 4-6months for a therapy intervention if required.

10 Impact and Outcomes Reporting period: 1st April st March Kirkby Children’s Centres Chatter Box Intervention. Total number of referrals into the Pathway: 247 Children Total number of engagement: 220 Children (89%) Children not engaged 27(11%) Total number identified at 12mth Assessment: 8 Children Total number identified at 2yr Assessment: 111 Children 128 children identified from CC’s & PVI’s % of Children who achieved age related outcomes (72% ) % of children requiring specialist support following the Chatter Box intervention (Children’s Development Team/SLT): 42 (17% of Children) Total Number of programmes delivered during this period: 19 Programmes Query re monitoring the number of referrals received from the 12mth & 2yr assessments- some of the referrers are using our old ‘Service Request form’ which doesn't have the tick box option which specifies where the referral was identified from. Of the 55 children who haven’t engaged, we keep a record as they are likely to resurface in the future.

11 Following the induction of the Pathway
178 (72%) children met outcomes –The majority of these children previously not meeting aged related expectations because of parents /carers limited knowledge of how to play/support their child's needs. This can be split into, those parents who do not engage with children and those parents who disempower children by doing everything for them. 42 (17%) children did not meet age related outcomes following completion of course. – These children make up our SEND or children in need . Each child's journey is individual depending on their needs. All these children are referred to relevant agencies whether Speech and Language, CDT or an Early Help, Children’s Social Care, etc.

12 Partnership Working I CAN accreditation for the Kirkby Children’s Centre Group and all Private, Voluntary and Independent childcare settings Talk Boost interventions aimed at children with delayed language development designed to boost their language skills and help them catch up with their peers. Early Talk Boost, Talk Boost KS1 and KS2 are aimed at children aged between years combining practitioner training and group work with children ‘Tots Talking’ will be co-produced parenting intervention designed to improve the life chances of children by supporting the communication and language development of 2 year olds With improved communication children will make a smoother transition to school and will improve their chances of learning and progressing throughout their lives.

13 Partnership Working Children’s Books- Working with children’s authors Building Bonds- Parent Infant Mental Health Service (PIMHS) Bookstart Packs / Bookstart Bump- National book gifting programme.

14 Partnership Working REAL Making it REAL (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) is a project led by the Early Childhood Unit at the National Children’s Bureau, based upon the evidence of Cathy Nutbrown and Peter Hannon of the University of Sheffield. REAL is based around the 4 strands of Literacy (Books, Oral Language, Early Writing and Environmental Print) and promotes supporting this through EHLE (Early Home Learning Environment).

15 REAL Kirkby CC worked with two local nurseries targeting 22 children whose parents /carers had previously been hard to reach. 16 children and their parents took part and completed the REAL programme, this included a number of home visits and 3 planned literacy events in both CC’s and in the community. All participants gave positive feedback on the programme and the effects on their experiences with their children. Following on from this a 4 week accredited parent workshop took place. 6 parents took part completing each module on supporting their child's language and communication.

16 Success of partnership working
Chatter Box Programmes respond to local demand There is now a maximum of 6 weeks for the first SLT appointment and no waiting time for initial contact (if specialist support is required) Monitoring of the number of children identified at the 12mth and 2yr assessments, tracking of their engagement and outcomes Stronger emphasis of feeding back engagement/non-engagement to the referrer (multi-agency approach) Quality Assurance of Chatter Box Intervention Practitioners reporting an increased knowledge and skill set through training and modelling strategies Working with more parents/carers to ensure strategies and guidance is influencing the home-learning environment. Referrals to SLT Service are now deemed as ‘more appropriate’ (moderate/ complex)

17 Early Years Foundation Stage Profile data 2015/16 for children who accessed Kirkby Children’s Centres

18 Families having fun…. learning concepts together !

19 Final thoughts?

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