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Groundwater Quality of the Houston Area

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1 Groundwater Quality of the Houston Area
Brett Buff May 7, 2009

2 Project Location

3 Volume of Brackish Groundwater in Houston Area
TDS between 1,000 and 10,000 mg/l 85 million acre-feet Slightly saline -1,000 to 3,000 mg/l 60 million acre-feet Moderately saline – 3,000 to 10,000 mg/l 25 million acre-feet

4 Background + 7,000 wells analyzed TWDB Database Total Dissolved Solids
Groundwater Elevation Depth of Groundwater from the Surface Relationship between Groundwater Quality vs. Depth From Surface and Elevation of Groundwater Table

5 TDS (mg/L) of Wells

6 Depth to Groundwater Trend Analysis

7 Elevation of Groundwater Trend Analysis

8 Depth to Groundwater

9 Elevation of Groundwater

10 Total Dissolved Solids of Groundwater

11 GW Elevation vs. TDS Concentration

12 Depth to GW from Land Surface Elevation vs. TDS Concentration

13 Descriptive Statistics

14 Any Questions ???

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