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Large sheet of paper (11x17)

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2 Large sheet of paper (11x17)
Take large paper and do a hamburger fold Open fold and fold ends to middle—creating 2 large doors Left side door—cut 3 lines to make 4 flaps Right side door—cut 2 lines to make 3 flaps Cut out pics and glue there in the proper order

3 Top left

4 2nd flap left side

5 3rd flap left

6 Bottom left

7 Top right

8 Middle right

9 Bottom right

10 Watch this clip and on page 75, write down the following:
What is happening? Who are these people? Write down one adjective (describes a noun) that sums up what you’ve observed video


12 New tsar crowned in 1894; Nicholas II - Romanov dynasty - ruled since 1613
Father, Alexander III was harsh but popular Married to Alexandra (the tsarina) who was considered overbearing 4 daughters and one son, Alexi, who had hemophilia - doted on by his mother

13 Tsar’s Naivete’ Thought Russia faced no serious threats from inside the empire Thought it would continue to rule itself without problems Thought that dissent was limited to a few radicals who should be dealt with harshly and quickly Thought all Russians loved him as their “Father” but he was clueless to the suffering of his people

14 romanov family

15 Russia’s political situation was terribly unstable
Middle class liberals wanted democracy minorities (Poles, Ukrainians and Lithuanians) wanted independence Landless peasants called for social changes and land Workers wanted better working conditions and unions In 1904, Russia lost to japan in R-J war

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