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AC English The Bottom Line.

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Presentation on theme: "AC English The Bottom Line."— Presentation transcript:

1 AC English The Bottom Line

2 Welcome to Your 8th Grade Homeroom
Got supplies? Please put tissues, sanitizer, Band-Aids, Clorox wipes and dry erase markers on the black cart. Take the paper towels and Ziploc bags to your science teacher. Take the batteries to your math teacher. Got your locker? Does it work? If you didn’t come on Friday, see me, and I will give you the paperwork you need to get signed to get your locker. You need your lunch and enough supplies(paper and pens/pencils) for your first three classes. Your next locker break is before connections. Got your schedule? Make sure you have 5 academic classes and two connections. Need any help? See me! Remember to return to homeroom at the end of the day after last locker break. You get to start and end your day with me. #lucky

3 What should you expect? An AC student should expect the following:
Lots of outside reading Additional assignments More complex assignments with shorter turn around times High expectations with regard to thinking, speaking, and writing

4 So what’s the payoff? AC classes in MS can possibly result in Honors classes in HS Honors courses lead to AP courses which lead to college credit in high school AP courses can raise your GPA by giving you quality points Colleges look for students who have taken some honors courses and AP courses

5 What will we be doing this year?
Short stories Non-fiction articles Novels Poetry Writing Grammar info coming soon!

6 Even Better…

7 Why so much reading?

8 What do I need for class? Paper (lots of it!)
Pen for writing/pencil for scantrons Flash drive Set up notebook however you like

9 Expectations In class – RESPECT
Outside of class – Do Your Work


11 Grading Policy Major Assessments 40% Minor Assessments 30% Homework 5%
Classwork 10% Vocabulary 15% Late work policy – No late homework will be accepted. 10% per day will be deducted for late projects and long term assignments 9 week quarters

12 Any questions? Homework: Summer reading paragraph due and quiz over The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien or Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier on FRIDAY! For the other book, students will write a paragraph that includes the following information: the title and author of the book, a statement about a theme found in the book, and an important quotation from the book along with an explanation as to why this quotation is meaningful to them. This writing assignment is due on Friday.

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